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Fantasy or Reality Pt 2B by Just_Me

“Whatever you want, Babe." He looked at me. “I was hoping you’d say that though. I think I look bitching with them."

“Let’s do it!"

“Thank god tomorrow is haircut day."

I was awakened the next morning to the feel of George’s stubble as he kissed his way down my arm. “Wake up, my darling. We’ve gotta get ready to go see Walt."

I rubbed his chin. “I’d rather stay here, and finish what you started."

He laughed, and pulled the sheet off of me. “Later. Get your ass up."

We went to pick up Uncle Harvey, and he was standing on the porch waiting for us. He rumbled, “I didn’t think you were coming."

George laughed. “Mr. Harvey, we’re early. I told you I’d be here at 7:25, and it’s only 7:20."

He sounded grumpy when he said, “I hate to be late. Get your asses in the car. I'm leaving."

He didn’t say another word as we drove to the barbershop.

The three of us walked in, and Walt greeted us. It was funny the way he acted like he hadn’t seen Uncle Harvey the night before. “Hi Harvey, it’s good to see you."

He looked us over. “George, you’re still the one with the most hair. You’re first. Hop in the chair."

Uncle Harvey snarled, “You should get rid of all that crap, and get a decent haircut like me and Curtis."

“I hate to disappoint you, but I ain’t ready to go that far yet, Mr. Harvey."

Uncle Harvey crabbed, “Well hurry up and make up your damn mind. I wanna see you with a decent haircut before I die."

“Hell, Mr. Harvey, you’ll probably outlive us all."

Walt interrupted their chatter. “You said you ain’t ready to go that far. How far are you willing to go?

“I…" He looked at me. “Make that we were thinking about a flattop with fenders. What do you think?"

Uncle Harvey harrumphed. “I think you’d be better off if you’d just get a short flattop."

I spoke up. “Uncle Harvey, you get to wear your hair like you want to. Let George wear his hair like he wants to."

“Only a damned fool would want to wear his hair like George does."

I looked at Walt. “Did you pee in his Wheaties this morning, or did the two of you have an argument last night?"

Uncle Harvey growled, “No, and it ain’t none of your damned business if we did."

Walt grinned. “Yeah, we did, and Harvey has been as contrary as a bear with a toothache since."

Uncle puffed furiously on his pipe. “I ain’t either."

Walt ignored Uncle Harvey’s comment and turned back to George. “Do you want to keep the DA?"

“What do you think?"

“I think it would look better without it. I’d like to just wrap the fenders around the back a little. Besides, it’s summer, and you’ll be cooler without all that hair on your neck."

“What do you think, Babe?"

“I think Walt is right."

George looked at Walt. “Let’s do it."

I broke out laughing, and both George and Walt wanted to know why. “I was just thinking about two weeks ago when Mr. Walt said a man who starts down the path of short hair keeps going shorter. It looks like he was right. George, you’re going down that path. I wonder what your next hairstyle will be?"

“I’ll be damned. You’re right."

Uncle Harvey’s expression changed. His sourpuss look disappeared, and he was emanating such an I-told-you-so look that I couldn’t help but laugh again.

Walt grabbed the clippers. “One flattop with fenders coming up."

I thought, “I wonder if he always announces the style of cut he’s about to do? Pay attention, and see if he does that to you."

Walt brushed the hair on the top of George’s hair straight back. He positioned George’s head and said, “Do NOT move. You could make me screw this up big time if you move." He picked up the clippers and put a comb on top of George’s hand, and cut a bunch of hair off.

I found myself holding my breath, but soon relaxed. Walt’s hand was steady as a rock as he made the first pass.

I gasped when I saw how much hair fell on the cape. Walt grinned at me. “You ain’t seen nothing yet. This man has the thickest head of hair I’ve ever seen. Hell, it’ll almost look like it did when I cut your hair by the time I get through with this."

I shuddered at the thought, but my nether region liked it.

I think Walt spent twenty minutes taking the clippers over the top of George’s head. Every pass took the hair down just a little bit, and it got straighter, and flatter. I thought, “How in the hell does he get it that perfectly even? I couldn’t get it that straight with a ruler."

He turned the clippers off, and I thought he was done with the top. It looked perfect to me, but evidently it wasn’t to Walt. He rubbed some butch wax in George’s hair, and started all over again. Pass after after, he patiently sculpted a perfect plateau in George’s hair.

I could hardly wait to get to run my hands over it. A goose walked on my grave when I thought about the feel of George’s hair when we were making love…which I knew would be soon. George and I couldn’t seem to keep our hands off each other.

Walt combed the part of George’s hair that would make the fenders straight down, and started tapering the back. The hair got slightly longer as Walt got closer to the crown of George’s head, and Walt created the perfect bevel there, to blend it into the flattop.

I must’ve made some noise, because Walt turned the clippers off. “What is it, Curtis?"

“I was just thinking what an artist you are with the clippers. That taper is the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen."

“Thank you, but it’s not all my skill. This man of yours has the most perfect hair I’ve ever seen. Anyone could make his hair look good." Then he grinned. “But…I have to agree with you. I must modestly say I’m a damned good artist with hair."

Uncle Harvey grumbled, “Modest, my ass."

Walt ignored him. “Wait until you see the fenders I’m about to create. That’s my favorite thing about this haircut."

He cut, and combed, and cut some more.

He was right. Each fender was a work of art, but I was already calling them ‘raven’s wings’ in my head. They were just perfect: black and shiny. I loved the way they gleamed in the light.

Each fender begged to be touched.

Once again, I thought he was done, but I was wrong. He went over the entire haircut, snipping here, and buzzing there until everything was to his satisfaction.

He looked at me. “I think I know the answer to this, but I have to ask. Are we keeping the sideburns?"

George and I replied in unison. “You’re damned right we’re keeping them."

George chuckled. “Ok, ok. Keep your panties on. I was just asking."

He trimmed the sideburns, until they were just perfect. His incredible beard was so thick that there were no patchy spots anywhere.

The sideburns made a huge statement on George’s face, but had no bushiness that took away from the artistry of the haircut. I thought, “There’s no bushiness now, but as fast as his beard grows, they’ll probably be bushy in a few days."

Walt rubbed George’s chin. A loud rasping sound filled the barber shop, and made my loins quiver. “I guess you don’t have a razor at home. I’m going to clean this up when I clean up around your ears and neck."

George nodded. Walt leaned the chair back, and put hot towels over George’s face.

I reached into my pocket and pulled my pipe out while waiting for George’s whiskers to soften up. Walt spoke up. “I wondered when that thing was going to show up. I’m beginning to expect to see you with it, just like I do with Harvey."

After shaving George, Walt did his usual routine. He felt George's face and pronounced it smooth as a baby’s butt.

I stood up. “I’d better check and see if you missed anything."

Walt leered. “You’re right. You’d better check. After all, you’re going to be the one who’s going to have the scratches on you if I leave a rough spot, but you’re gonna have to wait until I’m done."

I blushed…again, and sat back down.

Walt did another inspection, and found three more hairs to clip. Then he said, “I’m going to give you some butch wax, and it’s going to be your best friend for the next few weeks. You have to put it on every day, to train your hair to stand up. If your hair acts up, you can use a blow dryer to force it to stand up." He said wryly, “With as long as your hair was, I imagine you’ve got at least one blow dryer, if not multiples."

George nodded.

“Don’t put too much wax though, and rub it in really good. It’s really important to remember to only put butch wax on the top of your head, the flattop part. If you get any in the fenders, it’s going to make them look stiff and unnatural. You use Vitalis or Brylcreem on the side, but don’t get it mixed up with the butch wax."

George looked a little bewildered. “How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

“You’re right, it takes a little practice." He chuckled, “After you have to wash your hair a few times because you messed it up, you’ll figure it out."

Walt looked at me. “I imagine Curtis will help you with that."

I nodded, then he said, “All right, George is ready for inspection."

George looked at me expectantly when I walked up. The flattop was so plush you couldn’t see a hint of scalp, and the shine from the butchwax made me think I needed my sunglasses. It was boxy, and really accented George’s square jaw. I couldn’t imagine another haircut that would fit his physique better. To add to the perfection, his fenders gleamed, and the taper on his neck flowed perfectly into the thick plush on top. It was a perfect, perfectly masculine haircut, for a perfectly masculine man.

I rubbed his chin, and it was perfectly smooth.

Words failed me. I couldn’t think of a thing to say. I looked at George, and hoped my eyes could express what my mouth couldn’t. He nodded. He got the message.

Finally, I found some words to say, but they weren’t the graceful, eloquent, elegant words I wanted. I said, “I can’t wait to get my hands on you, you handsome son of a bitch!"

Everyone laughed.

Walt finally stopped laughing, and said, “You’re next."

I sat down, without taking my eyes off George. I heard Walt saying something, but I couldn’t make sense of what he was saying, because my senses were so filled with thoughts of George, and how wonderful he looked.

Walt stepped in front of me, and snapped his fingers. “Earth to Curtis."

I forced my attention to Walt. He said, “What do you think?"

“What do I think about what?"

He shook his head. “I just spent five minutes talking to you. Did you not hear a single word I said?"

I was bewildered. “I guess not."

“Look at me, and not that handsome brute over there."

I saw George grin when Walt said that.

I looked at Walt. “OK. What were you saying?"

He gave me a look. “I said that your hair would look good in a flattop, but since it’s already so short, I’d have to do a short one, instead of a boxy one like George’s."

I had never thought about getting a flattop, but instantly decided against it. “I like my short back and sides. It’s always been my dream haircut, and I’m not ready to give it up." Then I looked at George. “Unless you want me to get a flattop. I’d do it for you.’

He didn’t have to think for a second. “Nope. I love my Forties reject with his short back and sides, and I want him to be who he wants to be." Then he grinned. “Besides, I think the bristly sides are sexy. I wanna be able to run my hands up your neck and feel the smoothness of the shaved sides fading into the bristly part and then feel the silkiness of the top."

I looked at Walt. “You heard the man. Do it."

I laughed when he said, “One short back and sides, with shaved, bristly and silky coming up."

I piped up. “Hopefully, one short back and sides, with shaved, bristly and silky…AND NO ROOSTER TAIL!"

After Walt cut my hair, Uncle Harvey grumped to the chair. Walt said, “Are you getting a short back and sides, or do you wanna try something different."

Uncle Harvey growled, “Hell, no. I’m too damned old and set in my ways to change now."

Walt said, “No you’re not. You’ve changed a lot in the last few weeks." Then he surprised us all by kissing Uncle Harvey. “I love you, you grumpy old curmudgeon."

Uncle Harvey’s eyes soften. “I love you too. Now cut my damned hair."

We got home, and I asked George what he thought about his haircut.

“This is going to take some getting used to, but I expect I can, especially if you keep looking at me like that. You’re looking at me like you look at a strawberry milkshake: all lust and longing."

“You’ve got that right, Babe."

“Miss Professional" interrupted us, and I was surprised to see her sitting there. I had been having so much fun reminiscing that I had forgotten that we were being filmed.

Carolyn ended the second session with, “Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to ask these gentlemen to come back for an unprecedented third episode, but we want to do the next session a little differently. Please email us any questions you have for this wonderful couple, and we’ll ask as many of them as we have time for." She looked at us. “Are you willing to stay in New York another week, at our expense? I can probably wheedle my producer into tickets to a few Broadway shows, as an extra incentive."

We looked at each other, and nodded. “Hell yeah!"

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