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Fantasy or Reality Pt 1B by Just_Me
“Miss Professional" interrupted us to tell us they were taking a break. During the break Carolyn snapped at us, breaking her “Miss Professional" persona. “I have never lost control of an interview before, but I couldn’t get you guys to stop talking, and listen to me. You guys have got to let me lead the conversation." Then she continued, “We’re going to try to edit the footage we shot, but we might have to film this whole episode again."
I apologized. “I’m so sorry! I was having fun reminiscing, and I guess I forgot we were filming."
Curtis chimed in. “Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. I’m so sorry. We’ll try to be good." Then he made me laugh. “Cross my heart, and hope to die."
The filming started again, and Carolyn said, “Curtis, tell us what happened when you got to Arkansas."
“George was sitting on the porch when I got there, and the first thing I noticed was that he had a beard." I turned to Carolyn. “George’s beard grows really fast. In the two weeks since I had seen him last, it had become a real beard, not stubble. I got out of the truck and beamed at George. I started the conversation with, ‘Wow, I like the beard. It looks great on you.’"
“Thanks, babe. I almost shaved this morning, because I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it."
“I touched George’s beard, and shivered. “I really like it."
His eyes lit up. “What a relief. Thanks! Oh, by the way, Mr. Harvey said for me to tell you he was going to bed. He’ll see you in the morning."
I laughed. “That rotten bastard. Let me guess, he called you first to see if you’d be available before he called me."
“I don’t know. He called yesterday morning, and said you were coming up, and would be here around 8:00."
“That was mighty cocky of him. He didn’t call me until last night. I wonder what he would’ve done if I had told him I couldn’t come up here today?"
We both laughed.
He looked me over. “Turn around."
“I wanna get a look at all of you."
I did a quick turn, and he whistled. “Damn, you look good enough to eat! I like your outfit."
I said, “Turnabout is fair play. It's your turn. Let me look at you."
He did a turn that any professional model would be jealous of. I said, “You’re not exactly chopped liver. You’re gorgeous, good sir."
He got up, and looked around nervously. When he saw no one, he said, “Come here. I wanna kiss you."
I looked around too. “I wanna kiss you too. I want to see if that beard will feel as good as I think it will." Then I giggled. “Take your hat off. I don’t want to get hit in the nose again."
“Duly noted, sir. You take off your hat too. I wanna feel that head of yours."
I frowned, and almost panicked. “It doesn’t feel the same. It’s all soft now."
“I don’t give a damn. I still wanna feel your head."
We kissed, and I was brazen enough to grab his ass, and pull him next to me. I could feel his desire through his jeans.
He finally broke the kiss. “You’re right, your hair does feel different." He looked at the ground, as if he was shy.
“What gives, mister? You’re hiding something."
He laughed. “I just had the thought that maybe tomorrow you could go see Walt again, and he could make your hair feel like it did when we first met."
I grinned. “You’re old and slow, and I’m way ahead of you. I had already planned to do that." I smirked, “Even if I hadn’t planned it, I’m sure Uncle Harvey will drag my ass out of bed and have me in the barbershop early in the morning."
He gave me a look that made me want to melt. “Mmmm…I have an idea that would keep him from dragging you out of bed in the morning."
“What did you have in mind?"
“You could sleep at my house, and Mr. Harvey wouldn’t be able to haul your ass out of bed." He turned me around. “Speaking of asses, have I told you that yours is mighty cute?"
He nuzzled my neck. “Yum, you smell good. You’ve been smoking your pipe."
“Guilty as charged." Then I decided to pick on him. I turned around and nuzzled his neck. “You smell good too."
“Why? I didn’t put any cologne on."
I looked at him. “Exactly. You don’t reek of Polo. I can smell you."
He punched me. “You’re bad!"
We just stood there looking at each other for a second. I could feel the desire rising in us. I thought, “Damn! His incredible green could hypnotize me in a second." I said, “Come on, George. Let’s get out of here. I want you someplace where I don’t have to worry about prying eyes."
“My house is available."
“Nice try, mister."
“I have another idea. Let’s go."
He took me back to Mom and Pop’s. George got a hamburger, but I just had two strawberry milkshakes. After I started the second shake, George got a sensual look in his eyes. “No comments about having an orgasm?"
I blushed. “I still can’t believe I said that."
After we ate, he said, “Do you feel up to checking out the local Lover's Lane?"
I blushed. “What if someone sees us?"
“Don’t worry, your reputation will be safe. There are hidden places. We won’t be seen."
I smirked. “Let’s agitate the gravel!"
Laughter bubbled up within me. “I can’t believe I know a Fifties phrase that you don’t! Agitate the gravel means ‘let’s get out of here.’"
“I’ll be damned. Live and learn. I guess I’ll have to learn the lingo from you, Daddy-O."
We went to a beautiful wooded area that felt magical. I imagined I could sense mythical, mystical creatures peeking at us through the woods. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a unicorn stepping out of the shadows, or a leprechaun dancing in the moonlight. There was definitely magic in the air, but I suspected that magic was emanating from George.
George opened his toolbox, and pulled out a couple of blankets and pillows. A huge grin split his face. “I put these in here, hoping I would get to show you this place." He spread them on the ground, and patted the blankets. “Have a seat, and we’ll look at the stars."
He laid down, and I laid beside him, resting my head on one of his arms. I reached up and started running my hands through his hair, just enjoying the silky feel of it. I also wondered what it would feel like if he did decide to cut his hair. I almost giggled when I thought, “I don’t know what it’ll feel like, but I know he’ll look good. He’s so damned good looking that he’d look good with a Mohawk, and nobody looks good with a Mohawk." My fetish spoke up. “Nobody looks good in a Mohawk, but it is an interesting cut."
I rubbed my hand on his beard, remembering how it felt when we kissed. We talked for a few minutes, and then he raised up. I knew he was going to kiss me. Smartass me showed up. “Take that cap off, Mister. Remember my nose."
He took the cap off, and lightly brushed my nose with his lips. “This nose? The nose of a Roman god?" After that, he touched my lips with his. All thought ceased, and I just became a mass of seething emotions.
We finally came up for air, and I whispered, “I’m going to change your name to ‘Magician George’."
“There’s a lot magical about you, but I said that because you somehow you magically got me out of my jacket, and my shirt. I suspect if I hadn’t stopped you, you’d have made my pants disappear too."
He grinned at me lecherously. “A man can hope, can’t he?"
I looked at him. “Why is it that only my clothes came off? Are you hiding something under that shirt that you don’t want me to see?"
The look in his eye melted my heart. He looked so hopeful, and started unbuttoning his shirt. “Let’s find out."
Seeing him without his shirt took my breath away. Everything about him was perfection. I tentatively reached out and touched the mass of curly dark hair on his chest, and followed the trail of hair to his belly button. The hair was just as springy as I had imagined it would be every time I caught a glimpse of it through the opening of his shirt.
I placed my palm over his nipple, and it responded instantly. George shivered. “Oh, that feels good." I pushed him to the ground, and straddled him. I could feel his desire pushing against me. My hands roved over his firm chest and the six-pack on his stomach. I felt every muscle, and admired the strength I felt in them. I could sense his passionate nature in every bit of skin I touched.
Without warning, I rolled off of him, and tried to calm my rapid breathing.
George looked alarmed. “What’s wrong, babe?"
I thought for a second. “It’s not what’s wrong, it’s what’s right. You seem so perfect to me, and I’m scared of that perfection, and petrified that it won’t last."
He snuggled up to me. “I understand. I feel that way too. I can’t believe that I met a perfect Greek god, and that he’s interested in me."
I looked away. “I suspect he’s more than interested in you. I think he’s captivated by you, fascinated by your perfection and more than a little obsessed."
“I’m perfectly ok with all of that. I feel the same way about you." He sat up. “Look at me, sweetheart."
I sat up and looked at him. He gently put his hand on my chin, like he was trying to keep my focus on him. “I’m not a fortune teller, and I can’t tell you what the future holds, but I can promise you this. I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me to go away." Then his eyes lit up with humor. “Let me rephrase that. I’m not going anywhere unless you put broccoli or brussel sprouts on my plate. I firmly believe having either one of those vile things anywhere near me is grounds for an immediate dismissal of any relationship: mother, father, brother…" His breathing sped up. “...or incredible lover."
I laughed. “So many rules, so early in the game. No fishing in running water, and now no broccoli or brussel sprouts. I don’t know if I can remember all these restrictions!"
He growled. “You’d better remember." Then he stood up. “Come on, babe. Let me get you back to Mr. Harvey’s."
He parked in Uncle Harvey’s driveway, but it was at least an hour before I opened the truck door and got out.
I got so lost in the memories that I didn’t even remember Carolyn was there. In my mind’s eye, I was back in 1984.
The next morning, I woke up to George shouting. “Rise and shine, soldier. You are to report to the base barber shop at 0730 hours. Your lover wants to feel some bristle on the back of your neck."
I moaned, “Lover? That sounds good." Then I rolled over and pretended to go back to sleep.
He accepted my challenge. “So, you’re not going to respond to my drill sergeant voice. Let me see if I have some other tools that might wake you up."
He crawled into the bed with me, and I almost passed out when I thought, “Oh, my god. George is in bed with me!"
He whispered, “Maybe you need a gentle lover to wake you. A kiss woke Snow White. I wonder if a deeply passionate kiss might wake Prince Charming?"
I cracked an eye at him. “I’m not sure. Why don’t you give it a try, and find out?"
His kiss woke up my whole body, and parts of my anatomy responded fiercely.
Uncle Harvey walked in, and his grin told me he was aware of the state my body was in. I looked down, and the sheet revealed everything. I blushed.
His deep bass echoed in the room. “I’m heading to the barbershop in twenty minutes. Are you two going with me?"
I looked at George. “You’re going to the barbershop?"
A huge grin threatened to split his face. “Yep!"
“What about work?"
“I hung a ‘Gone fishing’ sign on the door."
“You, going fishing?"
“Yep, I’m fishing for a way to make you fall madly in love with me."
I sighed. “I think you’ve already caught that fish."
He looked extremely pleased with himself, like the cat who ate the canary.
He sat up. “I need your help deciding what kind of haircut I want." He handed me what I assumed was his father’s yearbook. “What style do you think I’d look best in?"
I had an internal argument with myself. “Show him what you bought. That might inspire him." “No, you crazy bastard. It’s too soon.’ “So what? Do it anyway."
He spoke up. “Your brain’s going about a hundred miles a minute. What gives?"
I made a decision. “Just a second, and I’ll show you. I may have something that will help you decide."
Then I got shy. “I need to go to my truck, but I don’t have any clothes on. Would you throw me those underwear?"
“Nope! You’re gonna have to get out of that bed without the benefit of clothes." He gave me a lascivious look. “I wouldn’t mind if you ran out to the truck in your birthday suit either. It’d give me more time to admire you."
I tried to move quickly, so he wouldn’t see too much, but he gave a passionate sigh when I stood up. “My god, you’re more beautiful than I imagined."
I walked slowly to where I had taken my clothes off the night before, and I might’ve taken a little longer to get dressed than was entirely necessary. I kept thinking, “Wow, Curtis! You’re naked in front of a man for the first time."
After getting dressed, I said, “I’ll be right back."
I got the clothes I had bought him, and brought them in. I laid them on the bed. “Sorry, I didn’t have time to wrap them." His eyes lit up like a kid seeing presents under the tree. “You got all of this for me? That’s the awesomest. Thank you!"
He started going through the clothes, and I loved hearing his exclamations as he looked at them. “Bitching!" “Dude, this is so rad!" “I love it!" “I can’t wait to see what I look like in that."
He stopped suddenly. “I’m not going to try on any of these clothes until I have a haircut that will make them look right." He looked at me. “You must’ve read my mind. Every outfit is something I’ve fantasized about. I can’t tell you how touched I am by your kindness. Thank you."
I ignored his thanks, and quickly explained the different haircuts I had envisioned with each outfit.
He said, “You’re right. Each haircut is perfect for the outfit."
“I can’t wait to try them on, but I want to wait until I have the perfect haircut."
I stopped him. “You’re going to wear one of them today. I’m telling you like Uncle Harvey told me. I want you to walk out of the barbershop today looking like the man you want to be."
He pointed at one. “I think I’ll wear this one today."
I yelled into the living room, “Uncle Harvey, do we have time to take a few before pictures?"
“I reckon, but hurry up."
George was gracious, and let me take some pictures. Somehow I got the nerve to undo a few of the buttons on his shirt, and took some pictures. As I was taking the last picture, I said, “Damn! The camera loves you. I could make some serious money just selling the pictures I took today."
He looked sheepish. “Aww, that’s sweet."
“No, I’m serious. I can imagine your picture on the walls of tens of thousands of teen-aged girls." I grinned. “And teen-aged boys."
He gave me his best “Aw shucks" look.
I went into drill sergeant mode. “Soldier, get dressed. I wanna see you in that outfit."
He got dressed, and I found out he went commando. I asked, “Why did you take your jeans off, just to put them back on?"
He laughed. “I guess I thought it was only fair that you got to see me naked, after the way I had ogled you."
I pointed at my clothes. “I guess it’s strange to ask, but is there anything in particular you want me to wear today? I don’t want to embarrass you by looking too geeky."
He looked me over. “Babe, I’d never be embarrassed to be seen with a hottie like you, but let me look."
A second later, he handed me a suit. “I like the way you look in a suit." I started to go into the bathroom to get dressed. He stopped me. “You don’t have to go in there. I want to watch you."
After I was dressed, he said, “Damn it! I should’ve picked something less formal for you to wear. I’m gonna look bad standing next to you in a casual outfit."
“You can never look bad." I ogled him. “I’m digging the threads on you, man."
“You’re speaking the lingo, Daddy-O!"
I just grinned at him. “You look amazing in that bowling shirt and penny loafers, and you fill out those jeans perfectly." I tried to look lecherous. “Both in the front and the back."
“Since you put it that way, I guess I won’t change clothes." Then he stopped. “I know it’s too hot to wear it, but should I put the leather jacket on?"
I shook my head. “No, I want to be alone with you the first time I see you in that jacket." I turned on my accent. “I don’t reckon I’ll be able to keep these here hands off that mighty fine body of yours when I see you in that there jacket."
He laughed. “Well, hell. Let me put it on now."
I shook my head. “Don’t you dare…and besides, Uncle Harvey is waiting on us."
“Damn! I like Mr. Harvey, but I wish he was somewhere else."
We walked into the living room, and Uncle Harvey said, “It’s about damn time. We’re going to be late." Then he looked at George. “You ain’t going out in public with me looking like that. Take that shirt off, and let me iron it."
George said, “That’s not necessary, Mr. Harvey. I…"
Uncle Harvey cut him off. “I said, take that damned shirt off. While you’re at it, give me them jeans too. They could use a little pressing."
“Yes, sir."
I discovered George has no modesty. He ran around the house naked while Uncle Harvey ironed his clothes. I have to admit, I didn’t take my eyes off of him. I enjoyed every second of it.
Once he was dressed, I couldn’t help but kiss him…again. I whispered, “You look phenomenal. I can’t wait to see what you look like with your haircut."
Uncle Harvey cut our display of passion short when he barked, “Come on. Let’s get the hell out of here."
“Wait a minute, Uncle Harvey. I want to do something with his hair. Do you mind if we borrow some of your Brylcreem?"
“I don’t mind, but don’t you have some of your own now?"
I laughed. “I had forgotten. Yes, I do." I turned to George. “Come on, we’re going to make you look even more perfect."
Uncle Harvey piped up, “WIth his thick hair, I reckon it’ll take a whole container of Brylcreem." Then he sighed. “It’ll be worth it though." He looked at me. “You picked a mighty fine looking man, son. I’m happy for you."
Then Uncle Harvey changed his mind. “Don’t you be wasting all that Brylcreem. Walt can use his." He looked at George. “You look disgusting with all that long hair. Put your hair in a ponytail so I don’t have to see that mess, and let’s get the hell outta here."
I grabbed a bush, and pulled George’s hair back. “Damn, I didn’t realize your hair was this long. There’s at least four or five inches back here."
Uncle Harvey harrumphed. “Shameful. It’s just downright disgraceful."
On the way to the barbershop, I said, “Uncle Harvey, we should probably stop at the drug store first."
“I don’t imagine George is gonna want to look like I did two weeks ago, so I want to buy him some makeup to cover up his white ears and neck."
George punched me. “The day I wear makeup is the day hell will freeze over."
I grinned at him. “Well, if you’re not going to wear makeup to hide your white neck, I guess I’ll have to take you fishing this afternoon, to get some sun on your neck. I hear the rivers are running fast, after all the rain we’ve got this spring."
He looked sick to his stomach. “You bastard! Sea sickness is not something to joke about. I can’t even think about it without getting nauseated."
I immediately felt contrite. “I’m sorry. I was trying to be funny."
He burst into laughter. “Haha! I got you…but I think we could probably find a place to work on our tan today. I’m sure I’ll need it."
“That sounds like a good idea."
He leered. “Only if you sunbathe in the nude."
Uncle Harvey harrumphed again.
Carolyn broke in. “Ladies and gentlemen, we’re obviously not going to finish their story up today. I spoke with my producers during the break, and we’re going to do something we’ve never done in the history of ‘Fantasy or Reality’. We feel like these gentlemen are such a shining example of what love is supposed to be…both for gay and straight couples, that we’re going to invite George and Curtis back next week. There’s much more to their story that the world needs to hear. How would you feel about that?"
A thundering round of applause broke out, and kept going for a long time.
Neither Curtis nor I knew how to react.