4708 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 0; Comments 4.
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Last Minute Adjustments by P.J.
Last Minute Adjustments - A follow up to: An Issue of Conformity I'd suggest reading that one first, the references will make more sense.
Spoiler alert - no baldy cuts in this one.
Saturday was here before I could blink. Cals dad had asked that the guys all wear what they would be wearing for the concert in order to see if any last-minute adjustments were necessary. I had arrived a full hour early, just ahead of Marc the barber.
Marc was setting up in an out of the way corner, near an electric outlet. Boys started trickling in, one by one, and heading over to talk with Marc. Wow, this might be quite a show. I wonder how many boys he can trim in an hour. I drifted over towards the growing group. I caught sight of Seth sitting on the stool getting caped up.
Marc brushed Seths shoulder length dark brown mane out. It looked like it was still a bit damp from a last-minute shower perhaps. I knew him well enough to know that he only got an annual summer shearing from his dad, with the sheep shears no less. He usually looked bad until just about the time school started again in the fall when he got a bit of length back.
Marc was smiling, still brushing Seths mane out." Now then lad, just a quick trim up to make it neat and tidy for tomorrow then I assume?"
"Well, um, actually sir, I usually just have me dad take it all off with the sheep sheers after schools out. I’ve never really had a proper trim or haircut. So, I guess just take all off with them big clippers you tried to use on Cal the other night. You’ll probably do a damn sight better than me dad with the sheep shears anyway.
"Hmm" Marc murmured. "Since you have so much to work with, how about if I give you something shorter but not a plain old #1 butch? Since you have a choice, do you have any idea how long or short you’d like it? You have fantastic hair. More than enough for most longer styles too."
Seth was thinking, his eyes wandering over the growing group surrounding the stool. Shaggy manes everywhere. His eyes stopped and locked with mine. I smiled at him. "Hmm, how about something like Morgans then? Maybe the fringe a bit shorter for me though?"
Marc scanned the crowd for me. "Ah, there you are Morgan, come here for a minute lad. Let me get a good look at your mums handiwork."
I walked over and stood next to Seth. Coincidentally, Seth and I were good friends. I’d bug him every year to let my mum have a go at him instead of his dad with the sheep shears. He had such a great looking mane it was a shame to see him shaved every summer. Right now, it was quite bushy along the lower part, with all the grown-out layers. This would be a real treat for him to be sure. It would be a treat for me too, I thought to myself.
Marc brushed Seths thick mane down all around and immediately started cutting, wasting no time. He was taking off about half the length across the back. Leaving a couple of inches to hang over his dress shirt collar. Lots of hair coming off though. Marc paused for a minute. "Excuse me lad "he said, reaching over and pulling a lock of hair on the side of my head straight down. "Ah, ears just covered then, he murmured" more to himself. "Thank you, Morgan." I used my fingers to work the thick lock back into place again.
More of Seths lush main was removed and quickly layered along each side. Seths eyes were wide as he looked at the growing pile in his lap. Just then Marc finished with the sides, and fluffed them a bit.
"Ah, I guess I really do still have at least some hair on my head." Seth said, giving Marc a hopeful smile.
"Oh, son, you have pretty much the same length that Morgan has. We just need to trim the fringe for you.
While Marc was cutting, my mind wandered again. I wondered what it would be like to have Seth kneeling in front of me cowed and submissive, me removing all his lush bulk with the sheep shears. Sheaves of bulk landing at my feet. I started to feel all tingly down below my waist. What the hell I thought, where did that come from. I shook my head to clear it.
Marc combed the thick fringe down and quickly snipped his way across the front, just about half way up Seths nose. A few more quick snips with the shears to take the bluntness out of it and he declared Seth done. ‘OH, Wait one more minute lad." Marc quipped, pushing Seth back down. "Forgot those pesky neck fuzzies. The little clippers fired up and the neck fuzzies quickly disappeared.
Marc gave Seth a quick brush down and handed him the mirror. "There you are now lad, see how that looks and feels."
Seth did a cursory look, turning his head from side to side. He glanced over at me several times while inspecting himself in the mirror. "Oh, sir, this is fantastic. Now all I have to do is keep dad and the sheep shears away after schools out." He finished, chuckling softly to himself.
I couldn’t resist, since I was standing so close, I wiggled my fingers in at his nape and slid them up. OMFG I thought. That feels amazing. I moaned quietly. Seth gave me a quick smirk. Then stood up as Marc removed the cape.
"O.K. Anyone else want a trim up or a cut?" Marc chirped.
I saw Harri push thru the crowd and settle on the stool. My first thought was that he had been aptly named. He had a mound of thick wavy, almost curly black hair. Bangs almost completely obscuring his eyes, the whole of the rest of it almost on his shoulders. He was constantly trying to push the fringe out of the way.
"Ah, of course lad." Marc said. "And what’s your name?"
"Harri sir" he replied quietly as Marc snapped the cape tightly around his neck. He struggled to pull all the thick curls up through the neck opening.
"Oh, my" was all Marc could utter, staring at the huge mop. "And what is it you would have me do here lad?"
"Well sir" Harri started. "I know I don’t want a butch, or a short back and sides. I love my curls sir, but they’re just completely out of control. Could you maybe cut the sides and back shorter, and leave it nice and thick and curly on top. Trim the fringe a bit shorter too, just so I can see, of course."
Marc tugged here and there on Harri’s curls. Brushing the fringe straight up for a minute. "Ah, I think we can sort this out for you and still leave plenty of these gorgeous curls too. Would you allow me a little freedom, perhaps with the clippers to remove a bit of the bulk on the lower portion at least? Purely in the interest of time. "
Harri gulped, looking at the assembled group. "Well, can I trust you not to scalp me sir? I don’t like it clipped to the skin sir."
"Oh, no, no, no, lad, nothing that short, to be sure. I’ll just be removing some of this thick bulk. I think I can fix you right up though." Marc replied.
Marc picked up the fast feed Oster 76’s and a comb. The clippers fired up.
Soon huge mounds of black curls were rolling down off of Harri’s shoulders, down into his lap. I was impressed at the skill Marc displayed wielding the nasty clippers. There was still a small amount of curls remaining after each swipe across the comb. Quick enough the bushy curls hanging off Harri’s nape, were mostly gone. So was about half of the length on the sides. He had a huge pile of thick curls in his lap already. My groin was starting to tingle again. What the hell? It dawned on me that I’d never really seen other guys getting their hair cut before. I still didn’t understand why it was arousing me like this though.
Marc quickly and expertly combed thru the remaining bulk, dampening it as he went along. There were whispers and murmurs among the assembled group as Harri’s thick fringe was combed down almost to his mouth. I guess curls really did take up a lot of the length when dry. Harri quickly piped up. "Um, sir, I really don’t like to see much of my five head. Could you keep it about at my brow in the front when its dry?"
"Absolutely lad." Marc said. Making a small test snip with a single lock. He lopped it off just above the tip of Harri’s nose. It sprang back to just below his brow. "Ah, there, I think" Marc said quietly. "When its dry, that should be just about right." He expertly finished sniping the bang locks across the front. The thick curls falling and adding to the pile in Harri’s lap.
I was amazed at the speed at which Marc deftly worked his way across the top and upper sides of Harri’s head. He used the fringe length as a guide, removing mounds of curls as he moved from front to back. I was mesmerized. I’d never seen curly hair get cut. Even though Marc was removing massive quantities of Harri’s curls, there was still a healthy amount remaining. Marc occasionally gave the whole of it a careful fluffing as he cut. I thought he’d done an amazing job.
Harri’s fringe sat at his brows. The sides covered the tops of his ears. And he had a nice profile of shorter curls at the bottom of the back, gradually getting longer as they blended with the top.
Marc gave the nape a quick clipping with the smaller clippers, and trimmed up in front of Harri’s ears. Then handed him the mirror. "There now lad. Is that what you had in mind?"
Harri’s eyes popped as he examined his new do. He gently shook his head. The curls on top shook slightly. His mouth opened but for a few seconds no sound came out. Finally he said "Sir!, This looks fantastic. I think this is the best haircut I’ve ever gotten. Well, I know it’s the first haircut I’ve ever gotten from a barber. Usually, me mum just hacks away at it making it shorter all over when my eyes disappear. Thank you, sir!"
Marc removed the cape and Harri stood, running his hand up the back of his head through the shorter curls. He smiled appreciatively at Marc.
Marc announced "O.K. boys we might just have time for one more trim up before you start rehearsal. Anyone else want a trim up?"
I saw Iwan gingerly raise his hand and step forward.
"Don’t be shy lad, have a seat" Marc said, smiling.
Iwan gingerly sat down on the stool. Marc quickly draped the cape around him, snapping it tightly at his neck. "Now then, what needs attention here lad." Marc cooed, as he ran his fingers thru the thick locks.
"Well sir, just a trim please. Just to even it up. Maybe remove those neck fuzzies like you have on the other guys? I don’t want much length off though. Can you do that? Me mum usually trims it, but when she does, it curls out at the bottom. You can kinda see what I mean, right sir?"
"Ah, yes. It’s blunt cut without any layering. We can certainly fix that. So, no length off, just a fix then? Marc had wriggled his fingers into Iwans thick bang bulk. He let it flop across Iwans face. It was nicely long, just to the tip of his nose. I felt the tingling again, thinking about Iwan getting that thick fringe lopped off halfway up his forehead. Ugh. That would be a lot of hair falling.
"Yes, please. I prefer it long sir." Iwan said. Pushing the fringe to the side and looking anxiously at Marc.
I was starting to get to know Marc a bit. I could tell he wanted to take the clippers to Iwan. He was disappointed by the lad’s request for just a trim up. I had to confess, I was thinking about what Iwan would look like with a short back and sides. All that gorgeous thick chestnut hair piling up in his lap. Oh, geeze, what the hell, more tingling. I never paid attention to other guys hair! Now I was checking all the guys out, I never noticed just how long and shaggy some of them were. Or how lush, full and thick their mops were. This was all new for me, wow. Did I have some kind of hair fetish I thought to myself. I caught Cal smirking at me checking out my crotch. I realized I had a large bulge forming. Crap.
Marc combed Iwans thick bulk down all around. It was almost to his shoulders on the sides, and just touching them in back, wow.
"Would you mind if I took just a bit of length off lad, just on the sides and back? It would make the layering easier. I can get it nice and even then, too." Marc was eager to start chopping but waited for Iwan to reply.
Iwan gulped, then sighed audibly. "Um, well, exactly how much length sir? I really only wanted to see if you could do something with those curly tips."
Marc held up 2 fingers, about an inch apart. "No more than that much lad." Marc replied.
"Oh, that’s too much sir!" Iwan barked. "No, please not that much. Morgan, make sure he doesn’t cut too much, please?"
I had still been standing close to the stool. I wanted a ringside seat for this action. Much to my own surprise I was disappointed that Iwan was resisting the more invasive trim.
Marc raised his hands in surrender." alright, alright, lad, we’ll only trim the tips."
Marc proceeded to expertly and quickly remove the curled ends. He was taking a small amount of length with them but I stayed quiet. Iwan could stand to lose a bit of length I thought to myself.
Marc finished the trim, and removed the neck fuzzies. He also trimmed Iwans bushy side burns, nipping them off quite a bit shorter. When Marc removed the cape and handed Iwan the hand mirror I studied Iwans hair. The back hung just below the bottom of his dress shirt collar. Nice and thick. The sides were a bit shorter than the back, hanging just at his jawline, also nice and heavy. I especially liked the thick fringe. It was brushed to the side, just slightly hanging over his right eye. Hmm, I really liked how he looked. His hair was still long, but well groomed. I could feel my trousers starting to tent again. S**t!
Iwan smiled at Marc. "Oh, sir, this looks fantastic sir. Thank you!" He gave his head a quick turn, expertly flicking the fringe more to the side. I wondered what his thick locks would feel like if I slid my fingers through them. Huh, what, where did that thought come from. I sighed.
Marc couldn’t resist. "You could go a good bit shorter on the sides and back at some point lad. You’d still be quite handsome, I’m sure. Think about it. We have plenty of time before the big competition."
Iwan quickly got up off the stool. Eying Marc nervously now. "Um, I think I quite like it as is, thank you sir."
Cals dad piped up. Alright boys, enough prissing and preening, lets get started. He smiled warmly at Marc.
Marc said he’d would be here for a bit after practice if anyone else wanted a trim up. I saw Derec approach Marc, pawing at his lush mane. "Um, sir, I’d like a bit of a trim up. Could you do me right after practice?"
I could see Marc practically drooling, eyeing Derec’s heavy shoulder length mane. "Yes, of course lad" Marc chirped. Be thinking about what you want me to do meanwhile, O.K.?"
Derec nodded, and walked away to get ready. As I got ready to assist Cals Dad with choir practice, all I could think about was how amazing it would be to see Derec’s lush locks tumbling down the cape, landing in his lap. Pasty white skin showing thru the short nubbins as Marc stripped it all off with the fast feed Osters, leaving him with a tight butch. I had a hard time concentrating during rehearsal.
Soon enough rehearsal was over. Marc offered to come to the concert early tomorrow and bring some styling products with him. There’d be no time for haircuts but he could help anyone who wanted some assistance getting everything combed and neat looking. If that was O.K. with the group?
Surprisingly, there were a lot of enthusiastic head nods and murmurs of "yes, please". Boys were running their fingers thru their shaggy manes.
Marc singled Derec out, they walked over to the stool together. I casually walked over and stood near the stool, assuming my defacto overseer’s position. I was shocked and excited at what I heard Derec say.
"I might as well get out ahead of the sheep shears sir. My dad told me today, he was going to clip me up good and get rid of all is shag before the concert tomorrow. Would there be any way you could give me a decently short haircut without scalping me sir? I really don’t want a baldy cut.
My imagination ran wild for a minute. I could picture Derec’s dad shearing him down. Thick handfuls of lush bulk falling to the floor as Derec knelt before his dad in the byre. I wondered what it would be like to have Derec kneeling submissively in front of me while I wielded the deadly sheep shears. Piles of thick locks accumulating at my feet. Derec sniveling softly. I was stirring down below again. OH, my, this haircut thing was really getting to me.
I watched as Marc taped and caped Derec. Quietly telling him of course, he could give him a nice short haircut, was he willing to get a short back and sides perhaps?"
Derec almost swooned. "UM, well, I’d really like to leave it a bit longer than that. Clippered, but not short. And leave my fringe nice and long too."
"I think I know just the cut young lad. You’re in good hands." Marc brushed Derec’s lush mane down all around. The dreaded Oster76’s fired up. A sure indication there was soon going to be some massive bulk removal.
Marc slid the comb in just above Derec’s right ear. ZIP! The clippers scraped across the comb teeth. Six inches of lush dirty blonde bulk falling forlornly to the cape and sliding down into Derec’s lap. Derec moaned loudly. "Wow sir, that’s a lot of hair. YOU aren’t scalping me, are you? Morgan he isn’t scalping me is he?" Derec was starting to panic.
I gave an involuntary sigh as that first thick mound rolled down the cape. This was going to be quite a haircut to be sure. "Not at all man. I chirped. I think it’ll look good." I gave Mark a severe look.
Marc proceeded to remove all of Derec’s shoulder length locks, clipper over comb. I was fascinated with this technique. It cut sinfully short, but was leaving some short length on the upper part of his head. In no time at all, everything on the lower half of Derec’s head was clipped short but not scalped. I could feel a definite stirring below my belt as I eyed the huge mound in Derec’s lap, and all the plush thick locks above the clipped line on Derec’s head. I couldn’t wait to see Marc shear all that off too.
I was a bit disappointed when Marc set the clippers down and took up his trusty shears. He blended the still longer upper locks into the cut line just a bit, leaving it disconnected.
Derec’s fringe was quite long, completely covering his eyes, starting to creep down his nose. Marc combed it out, and did a small amount of layering. Leaving it nice and thick with a nice heavy side bang. He reached into his case and got a small tin out. Taking a dab of product, he worked it into the fringe locks. I wondered what that might feel like, all that thick hair sliding thru my fingers. A moan escaped my lips before I could stop myself. Derec looked handsome and studly after Marc finished combing the thick fringe over and back. I couldn’t believe how quickly Marc had transformed Derec from shaggy boy to hot stud. (Good lord, where were these thoughts coming from)
Marc handed Derec the mirror. Derec was stunned. An ear-to-ear grin appeared on his face. "Oh, sir. I don’t thick I’ve ever looked this good sir. Now I just have to convince my dad not to take the sheep shears to me in the morning.
"You’re welcome lad." Marc said, patting him on the shoulder. ‘I’ve always wanted to try this cut. I love the extra-long fringe. You had just the right hair for it too. I think you look fantastic. See me tomorrow before the concert and I’ll help you style it again if we need to, O.K.?"
As Derec got up, Owen sat down on the stool. "Sir, could you just neaten me up, I don’t want a scalping either sir."
Marc nodded as he taped and caped him tightly. He combed him out. Owens hair was nowhere near as long as the previous few guys had been. It looked like a grown out short back and sides if I had to guess.
It was just getting a bit ragged looking at his nape, and breaking over his ears decently. The fringe and top were getting nice and thick with a bit of length.
"Ah," Marc grinned. "Want me to give you another short back and sides then lad. Won’t take me but a few minutes. Nice and short, very neat."
Owen started to get up off the stool. NO! Please not that sir! Gawd I hate that haircut!"
Marc grinned, patting Owens shoulders, "Sit, sit lad, tell me what you want then."
"I only want the slightest of trims, leave it cover my ears, and just use the scissors to even the nape. Maybe remove the neck fuzzies. Just make it neat and presentable please. I want it to grow out more but it has to be neat or me mum will get the clippers out." Owen looked at Marc with pleading eyes.
‘Ah alright then, don’t fret. I can do that." Marc said, picking up the shears and comb. It seamed like it took him only a few seconds to even it up at Owens ears and nape. The small clippers removed the neck fuzzies. I was surprised at how much better Owen looked with only a small touch up like that. Marc handed Owen the mirror.
"Yes! Yes! This is exactly what I wanted sir. Thank you!" Owen replied.
Marc smiled. "You’re welcome lad. I’m glad you like it." He brushed Owen down and uncapped him.
Cals dad came over. Uh, I hate to break up the party boys, considering how nice everyone is starting to look, but, it’s getting kinda late."
Marc nodded agreement and smiled. I’ll see all of you tomorrow. Come early if you want help with your hair gentlemen. We’ll do more trims at the next rehearsal if you want. Morgan, are you interested in a trim up? I can make sure you’re first at the next rehearsal, just come early.
"OH, no sir! I quickly replied. Pushing my thick lip length bangs back behind my ear. My mums just taken care of me last week. I kind of wish she hadn’t though. Given what I’ve seen you do here.
Marc smiled. "Oh? How so?
Well, I have to confess. I’ve never been in a barber shop, and never had a barber cut my hair sir. My naïve impression, up to now was that if you went and got a haircut at a barber shop, you got a buzz cut, or some other frightfully short clipper cut like Tristan had. I’ve been very impressed with your skills with clippers and shears sir. Especially with how quick you are. I haven’t seen you scalp anyone yet either" I chuckled. "Most of the guys seem to like what you’ve done for them too."
Marc eyed me critically for a minute. "Well, if you want, I can take you down nice and short like Tristan if you want. I must admit, I’ve done more scissor trims here than I’ve done in a month back at my shop. It’s kind of a refreshing change. I guess I should have expected that you boys weren’t interested in getting scalped as you call it.
"Oh, God sir" I barked. I’d never want a cut like Tristan sir, nope, nuh, uh."
Marc laughed. "I thought not. Never hurts to offer though."
As I walked home, my mind was reeling, flashing back to all the cuts I’d witnessed, up close and personal. I was surprised and a bit concerned to find that I was getting aroused again. I’d have to duck behind our byre and take care of things before I walked into the house. Hmm.
I arrived early for the concert on Sunday, eager to see Marc work his magic on the guys. I wasn’t disappointed. I knew immediately where Marc was. There was already a small crowd around him. Cals dad was busy reviewing music with the small band that was rehearsing.
I caught sight of one of the younger guys walking away from the assembled group. His thick heavy bangs brushed up into a nice-looking pomp. The longer sides were tucked behind his ears. He looked like a totally different person. He gave me a questioning look.
"Wow, Rhain, you clean up nice" I said smiling.
He walked closer. "Thanks, I think I’m going to let Marc trim my hair for the competition though. He said I just need my nape cleaned up. Can you help me with my tie Morgan? I can never get it to lay right.
We wore our white shirts with the top button left unbuttoned. The tie was snugged up to just make it look casually stylish. I personally loved this look. I reached over and tugged his collar in back. I saw what Marc must have seen. I smiled as I finished adjusting his tie and collar. I reached behind his head and tugged the thick locks. "Don’t let him cut too much of this, it looks terrific on you man."
Rhain gave me a small smile, saying "sure, maybe you could stand guard so he doesn’t get too carried away?"
"I will definitely do that, for sure" I replied.
I thought to myself….two weeks ago I would never have done anything so bold. Now I couldn’t wait to get my hands in some of these guys gorgeous manes. I wanted to watch them get haircuts too. Wow. Rhain’s thick locks looked and felt divine sliding through my fingers. I was getting aroused again. As I turned away, I saw Cal, standing back from the group, staring at me with a hungry grin. I noticed he had a slight bulge too, hmm.
I walked on over to the group. Admiring Cals lush mane as I got closer. One by one, hot looking handsome guys were walking away. Neatly styled long hair carefully combed or brushed into place. Wow, the transformations were amazing, and without any clipper or scissor work. Nobody looked shaggy and unkempt.
Marc greeted me warmly. "Ah, Morgan, Looking handsome as ever." We’re getting short on time, care to help a couple of these younger boys? They just need a dab of pomade and someone to help them properly part their hair.
I was stunned. Me? Help? He didn’t have to ask me twice. I just had to make sure my help was wanted.
Young Tecwyn walked over to me smiling tentatively. I wasted no time dipping a finger into the tin of matte finish pomade. I smiled questioningly at Tecwyn. He nodded that it was O.K. I plunged my hands into his thick lush dark brown locks.
I was in love. It was too bad we didn’t have more time. I could tell Tecwyn was enjoying it too. I picked up a comb and deftly parted his mop low on the left. I combed the thick bang mop forward, it totally covered his eyes and was halfway down his nose. Combing the whole of the fringe over the top now, I pushed on the part area slightly. The thick locks slid over the part line just a bit. And dropped slightly down on his forehead. Nice, I thought to myself. I quickly showed Tecwyn what he looked like in the hand mirror. He had an ear-to-ear grin. "Thank you, Morgan! Would you want to trim it after rehearsal some night? It’ll have to be cut before the competition."
I was gob smacked but recovered quickly. ‘Um, sure, I could give it a try if you like. I’d want Marc to supervise, of course though."
Tecwyn nodded and smiled. "I know you won’t scalp me." He replied, as he walked over to take his position on the risers.
Tecwyn was replaced by young Niclas. His bushy mane of unruly curls jiggling lusciously. "Marc! I barked. What am I supposed to do with this?" I indicated Niclas’s thick bushy curls.
Marc laughed. "There's some curl crème in the bag there. Give that a try. Work it all through his curls. You’ll just have to use your fingers. I don’t have a wide tooth comb or pick with me.
Niclas sat, looking at me expectantly. I found the Crème, squeezed a generous dollop into my hands, and rubbed them together. Then I plunged them into the lush curls. Oh, my! This was amazing. Niclas was clearly enjoying it too. It was like a head massage. After several more dollops, thoroughly worked thru, his curls had settled down and had a great looking sheen to them. I showed him how he looked in the hand mirror. His eyes popped. "It’s never looked this good. Maybe I won’t have to get it all chopped off for the competition. Thank you, Morgan."
Marc was just finishing the last boy. I picked up a towel and wiped my hands off thoroughly.
Marc smiled "Thank you Morgan. From what I just saw, you’re a natural at this styling stuff."
We had no time for discussion as things were about to get under way. I took my position front and center, as I was going to have a solo in the first song. I took a minute to scan the assembled guys. God but we were a handsome looking lot! No one looked shaggy anymore. I was looking forward to the next rehearsal too. Tecwyn wanted me to cut his hair. I felt the somewhat familiar stirring down below. Yikes. I looked around nervously to see if anyone noticed. Seth was standing next to me and gave me an evil grin.
Needless to say, the concert was a rousing success. We, of course sounded amazing. There was a small after concert gathering, mainly for the guys and their parents. Tecwyn and his parents approached me. After introductions, and compliments his dad said "Thank you for taming his mane. I’m happy to let you have a go at him with the clippers before the competition. Do whatever you think will look good. Tecwyn gave me a nervous smile.
As they walked away to mingle, Niclas and his parents walked up. The same thing happened. Only Marc was within earshot this time. Niclas’ dad smiled and said, he wants you to cut his hair. It’ll save me from using the sheep shears on him. I never seem to do a very good job with em. Maybe you’ll have better luck taming that bush on his head. It actually looks pretty good right now. I studied the bushy curls on Niclas head for a minute. I felt a very distinct tingling in my loins. Uh, oh. What the heck was happening to me.
Marc gave me a nod and a smile. "Don’t worry, I’m happy to have the help. I’ll talk you through cutting those curls."
All in all, it was a very satisfying evening. I was certainly looking forward to the next rehearsal, that’s for sure.