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Captain Chrome Dome by BlueCollarBaldy
Jack Flint was a fire captain of Red Rock Ridge, a town in northwest Arizona. As well as being one of the town’s fire captains, he was something of a town treasure too. If you’d run into him on the street, he’d smile, wave at you, and call you by your name like an old friend. When he wasn't working or spending time with his wife Sarah and their two boys, you’d run into him all around the community, giving a helping hand to those in need. He was the sort of man who’d give you the shirt off his back.
But Jack didn’t just have a good heart — he also had incredibly good looks to match that made him a fan favorite for the RRRFD’s annual "Smokin’ Hot Heroes" calendar. Standing at six-foot-three and weighing in at over 250 pounds, he had big, bulging muscles that had won him bodybuilding competitions; he’d been bodybuilding since he was 15, and now, at 37, he was in his prime. His well-muscled body was a healthy tan from him being out in the sun a lot on his off days, often throwing around a football with his boys or working on something with his hands. As a man of his caliber, he had a lot of body hair, but he manscaped to make the wife happy. He also had great hair that he usually kept in a clean-cut crew cut. It was brown but going on gray at the temples, and he had a mature hairline, but it was still a thick and full head of hair that most guys would’ve done anything for. He would’ve had a thick beard to go with it too, but he had to shave everyday for the department. If he got bored of the clean-shaven look, he’d sport a department-approved mustache for a while until he got bored again (or Sarah wouldn’t stop giving him a hard time about it) and shaved it off. It suited his handsome face, but then again, anything suited him. Anything.
This July, the RRRFD was going to be holding a fundraiser at the station. For everyone who shaved their heads, the Lucky J. Johnson Foundation pledged to donate $777 to the fight against childhood cancer for families in need within the community. Of course, Jack just *had* to do it too, and he’d even convinced his crew to do it with him. After all, it was for a good cause. Well that, and on a July in Arizona, a baldy would’ve been too tempting not to take up.
The morning of the fundraiser, Jack and his crew convened at the station’s garage to start setting everything up. Jack set up the boxloads of shaving supplies that he’d picked up the day before — some Mach3s, cans of shaving cream, and a few pairs of clippers. They’d paid out of their own pockets for the supplies, each pitching in a share, and in total, it cost them a few hundred bucks. They were more than happy to pitch in for something like this though. They figured, since the community was going to be doing so much good, the least they could do for the community was giving them a good shave. With their teamwork, the four firemen finished setting up with half an hour to spare before the fundraiser started.
Later that morning, the garage was the busiest it had ever been on a Saturday morning. There were rows upon rows of seats, and sitting in almost every one of them was someone with their eyes fixated on the stage. Along the stage were several chairs, and behind those chairs were tables stocked with the supplies. Dad rock was being blasted through the speakers, but through the sounds of the guitar, drums, and bass were the sounds of Red Rock Ridge coming together to show their support. Jack went up onto the stage and was met with cheers from his fellow firemen and the community.
Nick, one of Jack’s men, sat his captain down onto a barber chair, caped him up, and turned the clippers on. The crowd went wild as the first of Jack’s hair came off and fell to the floor.
Jack had always kept his hair clean-cut and conservative. Whether it was a crew cut, a flattop, or a buzz cut, he was no stranger to short haircuts. Buzz cuts were more or less mandatory for men here come summertime (and in fact, he would’ve already been sporting one by this time last year, same as every year) but he’d never had one *this* short before. There was hardly anything left of his crew cut but a barely-there stubble that he could barely even call a buzz cut. But he knew he wasn’t done yet. His heart was pumping with adrenaline at the thought of what came next.
Nick lathered up Jack’s scalp with a slathering of shaving cream and started shaving him. As short as Jack’s hair was now, the thick stubble was still a tough match even for the Mach3. With long strokes, Nick scraped away at the stubble, and every stroke left Jack balder than the last. Nick seemed to enjoy shaving his head a little too much, but Jack would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying it at least a little bit too. With the last stroke, Nick scraped the last of the shaving cream off his scalp, and with it, the last of his hair.
Nick handed him a mirror. Jack looked even more handsome without hair than he did with. Now, with only a grayish-white shadow where his thick hair used to be, there was nothing to distract from his good looks but a bald head which was distractingly good-looking in its own right. With its impressive shine, "Captain Chrome Dome" would’ve been a worthy nickname for him. He liked the way it looked, but if there was anything he liked more, it was the way it felt. Nick had done a great job shaving his head. It was so smooth to the touch that he couldn’t keep his hands off of it.
The crowd erupted into applause. Jack was a beacon for the community to look up to — a big, bald-headed, shining beacon. In fact, a photographer found out just how much of a beacon he was when he took his photo with the flash on.
Afterward, Jack "repaid" Nick by shaving his head, and in a matter of minutes, the former blond was as bald as his captain. Soon, all four firemen were brothers in baldness. During the fundraiser, they took turns at the chairs shaving heads. An hour in, half the crowd was bald, and it would only get balder and balder as the fundraiser went on. After the last head was shaved, it was time to announce the totals. It turned out that together, they’d all raised an incredible $68,376. The crowd erupted into cheers, clapping and cheering in celebration. The captain looked out at the shining sea of shaved heads amid the cheers. His heart swelled with a sense of honor for the community and all the good they were able to do that day.
Jack and his crew cleaned up after the fundraiser and got the garage back into tip-top shape. The rest of their day was uneventful. Guys would be dudes, and these guys who were bored out of their minds thought it would be fun to mess around with the polishers they used for the firetrucks. They coated each other’s bald heads with car wax and polished them until the lights reflected off of them like their captain’s. If there was anyone who didn’t need it, it was the man of chrome himself. His head was shiny enough on its own, but with the wax, it was almost as polished as actual chrome. It gave the guys a good laugh.
Afterward, they got a good workout in together. Jack and Nick took turns spotting each other at the bench press, but Nick couldn’t help but get distracted by his captain’s chrome dome from time to time. Jack benched 500 pounds and had worked up a sweat, so he took his shirt off and wiped his head with it. He looked at himself in the mirror and was still blown away by the fact that now he had more hair on his body than he did on his head.
After the workout, Jack went to the locker room to take a hot shower. Between the water bouncing off his bald head and the steam opening up pores on his scalp he never even realized he had, Jack was enjoying how much more of EVERYTHING he could feel now that he didn’t have any hair to get in the way — almost, anyway. He could already feel the stubble growing back, and he hated it, so he grabbed a Mach3, lathered up his scalp with shaving cream, and started shaving his head again. It was impressive how good he was at it, as if he’d already been doing it for years. He shaved with the grain first, then against it, then against it again to *really* get it down to the skin. He figured he’d shave his face while he was at it, so he lathered that up too. In less than three minutes, his head and face were completely clean-shaven again.
When he went to bed that night, his freshly-shaven head rubbing against a cool pillowcase, Jack got to thinking… Out of his 37 years, he’d only been bald for a less than a day. Why not try it out for a whole month? Anything less, and it wouldn’t have been a fair trial. He figured if he shaved his head everyday for the next 30 days, he could *really* get a feel for being a baldy. Knowing himself, he’d probably get bored after a while and want hair again. That, or Sarah would make him grow it back out… But for now, the thought of life as a bald man excited him. The stroking of firm, rugged fingertips against the smooth skin of his scalp and the intoxicating scent of soap and shaving cream on his pillow had him falling fast asleep with a smile on his face.
Jack and his crew got up the next morning when it was still dark out to get ready to rotate out of their shift. Jack took a fast, five-minute shower, brushed his teeth, and shaved his face and head, scraping off the stubble that had grown back overnight. When Jack had hair, he had to go to the barbershop every week to get a trim because his hair just grew that quickly. It turned out, being bald wasn’t a way to get away from that duty. In fact, it was the opposite. Being bald meant that now he had to shave his head everyday if he wanted to maintain his baldness, and for the next 30 days, he’d committed himself to that duty.
The other captain and his crew got there, and they were shocked to see Jack and his men with shaved heads. A few head rubs for good luck and laughs later, they finally got to go home.
When Jack got home, he wasn’t sure how Sarah would take the bald head at first, but with the way she couldn’t keep her hands off of it all day, it was safe to say she loved it. After doing some hard work around the house, Jack and the boys spent the rest of that afternoon outside, playing football and then going for a swim in the pool together. Even the boys couldn’t seem to get enough of their bald dad, messing around with his head whenever they could get away with it. They had a field day doing target practice on his bald head with their super soakers. After all the time they’d spent outside that afternoon, his scalp had become almost as suntanned as his face and body.
That night, Jack showed his wife what it was like to be with a bald man, and after that, she knew she couldn’t ever go back. As they laid in bed, her stroking his scalp which he’d shaved during their hot shower together, Jack asked her how she’d like it if she had a bald husband for a whole month. She kissed his head, then his lips, and said that she’d like that a lot as long as he didn’t grow out a mustache again.
Well, a little over a month later, and Jack had an impressive mustache that got him a lot of compliments from the guys at the station, but Sarah wouldn’t stop giving him a hard time about the stache. Though, as much as she didn’t want to admit it, it was growing on her. The other guys, they already had crew cuts or at least buzz cuts again, but Jack lathered up like he’d done everyday for the past month and shaved his head again that morning. He could’ve started growing his hair back out since the 30 days were over now, but he figured being bald for the rest of the summer would be a great way to beat the heat.
Later that month, the guys would do the photoshoot for the "Smokin’ Hot Heroes" calendar. Jack would be doing July and had to wear this red speedo that hardly even fit him. He’d oiled himself up, but he still struggled trying to get his big glutes into it. Getting out was just as much of a struggle. The photos turned out great though, and Jack got to show off the hard work he’d put into his body. In Nick’s words, he was a smokin’ hot bald hunk. Thanks to Captain Chrome Dome, this calendar would be one of the RRRFD’s best-selling ones yet, selling out within hours and raising enough money to get a few new toys for the department.
A year later, and with Jack as bald as ever, it’s safe to say Captain Chrome Dome is here to stay.