4711 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 0; Comments 1.
This site is for Male Haircut Stories and Comments only.

Shorn by a shorn guy by Snagg

"I'd like to shear your long hippie hair down to the woods so I can see your beautiful face better," said Marc, a muscular guy with an ultra short buzz cut, a full beard and a hairy chest.

He had stretched out on the sunbed next to me and started small talk about the weather, about the island, about traveling. And then he said he would like to buzz my hair off. "I'm talking about a really short buzz cut. Like mine. You would look so damn hot with military short hair."

I was so excited that I couldn't say a word. I had fantasized so many times about having my hair buzzed. It was as if this sexy shorn guy had read my most intimate thoughts.

Marc stood up and pulled me up. "Come on Rapunzel, your barber prince has arrived and will free you from your hair."

We went to his room. In the bathroom he gave me a dice. "Throw the dice to decide the length!"

I let the dice roll across the floor. I rolled a 2. "This means your hair will be buzzed down to 2 millimeters."

He grabbed the clippers and adjusted the length. Then he pushed my head down to the sink. He parted my armpit-length hair in the neck and started shaving. The clippers moved up my head, passed the top and soon reached the forehead. The first strands fell into the sink. Marc shaved another strip and another.

"So, how does it feel to get the head buzzed?" he asked. My boner was answer enough.

After a few minutes Marc put the clippers aside and let me look in the mirror. The long hair was gone. I only had stubble left. Marc rubbed my head. "You look so masculine with your freshly shorn skull," he said. "I recommend gaining a few more muscles! With more muscles, you will look even tastier!"

And that's what I did! I grew more muscles. But I have no intention of growing my hair back. I love having brutally short hair. If you don't have a buzzed or shaved head yet and are thinking about getting a radical trim, do it! It feels great.

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