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Regulation by CleanCutTieGuy

When I was younger, I used to go to those ‘chop-shop’ places and get those basic cookie cutter haircuts. I knew very little about hairstyles.

One night after work, I was grabbing a beer with my friend Kevin, an ensign in the Navy who was on leave.
He joked, "Look at you, a junior engineer. I never imagined you would be wearing a tie."

I explained, "Engineering staff are expected to dress professionally every day. I think it is more of an old-school custom that differentiates us from the people working on the factory floor."

"It’s the civilian version of rank. Uniforms are different between enlisted and officers in the Navy."

He flicked my hair which extended over my collar, "I am surprised they allow all this. Why haven’t you cut that mess yet?"

"I didn’t think much about it. Nobody seems to notice. It’s been like this for so long, I would not even know what to ask for in terms of style. You know I never cared all that much about vanity."

"I know. You were always the nerd who helped everyone with their math homework. We appreciated that. But you are an adult now, and there are benefits of looking the part."

"Easier said than done. I am clueless in that area."

"Would you like some help? It’s the least I could do for the guy who got me through geometry class."

"Well, I suppose. I mean I would not turn down any advice or suggestions."

"No problem, it’s the least I can do. How about I come by on Saturday morning, o-nine-hundred."

"Ok", I said reluctantly.

Saturday morning came and Kevin picked me up at 9am on the dot.
He said, "Blane’s (men’s clothing store) is our first stop. Their clothes fit much better than what you get at a department store. "
He wasn’t kidding about helping me out. In no time, he picked out several pairs of dress pants, several white shirts and a couple of light blue shirts and some ties.

"Aren’t these a bit on the formal side?", I asked.

Kevin laughed, "No, this is how an professional presents themselves. Think about what your boss wears every day."

He was right. I never paid too much attention to what other people were wearing.

"Trust me. You will look great. Dress clothes will become your daily uniform and you will find they are more comfortable than you realize."

After that, we decided to grab an early lunch at a local diner.

"Thanks a lot for helping me out today. I would not have known what to shop for on my own", I said.

Kevin replied, "Buddy, we are not done yet. After lunch, we are heading over to the barbershop. We have to get that mess on your head sorted out."

After lunch, we headed into the local barbershop. I was a little nervous because I had no idea what to ask for other than a "trim". Fortunately, it wasn’t too busy and in no time, I heard the barber say, "ok, who is next?"
Kevin motioned me to get in the chair, and said "Ron, my friend here has a mess on his head he hopes you can fix." Apparently, this must have been the barbershop Kevin used to frequent because they clearly knew each other.

Ron said, "I can see that. Well, have a seat and we will get you sorted out."

I sat down while Ron fastened a tissue around me next and then draped a white pin-striped cape over me. Ron and Kevin exchanged some small talk while Ron proceeded to comb out my hair.
Finally Ron said to me, "So what are we doing with the hair today?"

I looked to Kevin for help, and he answered, "He just started a new engineering job and needs to look more professional. Let’s go with a regulation cut with a sharp hard part."

Ron looked to me for confirmation and I nervously nodded my confirmation.

"Ok, one regulation, coming right up."

Ron picked up a set of clippers and clicked on a blade attachment, switched them on and plowed them right up the side of my head. Big chunks of hair fell over the cape and I watched as my ear was fully exposed. He continued with the clippers around the back where he picked up my hair and ran them up the back of my head. He dropped the shorn hair on the front of the cape saying, "this is a lot of hair you have here".

"I was overdue for a cut. I usually procrastinate until it gets out of control."

"Well, we will get this under control and you’ll be looking sharp for your new job."

Before I knew it, I was looking at both of my ears exposed and a lot of hair on the cape.
Another set of clippers came out and he went around my head again. I did not think there was much left to cut after the first swipe. I was wrong because even more hair came off.
When he took out another set of clippers, Kevin said, "Oh, here come the shavers."

"What are shavers?"

Ron replied, "It’s just a clipper I use to complete the fade at the lowest part. It cuts the hair to it’s shortest length."
What little hint of a sideburn was completely removed leaving an almost bald look. He bent my ear over and continued with the shavers around my ears and the lower part of the back of my head. It looked strange because I still had all of my hair on top.

He then took out a comb and picked up the hair on the top and sheared off a good length with scissors. It did not take long before the hair on top was starting to blend with what little was left on the sides. I found it very relaxing as the longer hair was vigorously combed up in sections, held and cut. He would then routinely comb the shorter hair to the side.

"Almost done.", he said, "A cut like this has to be precise.", as he continued.

Using a set of small clippers, he cut a line where I would normally part my hair.
Kevin looked up and said, "The hard part looks great with this cut."

Finally, Ron put his tools down and brushed all the loose hairs away. He then inspected his work and spent more time with the clippers blending any areas he missed.
After a final brushing, he said, "Now you are all sorted out. A regulation cut, off the collar, off the ears."
I realized that he gave me a haircut similar to Kevin. After Ron removed the cape, I reached up to touch the back and it was just as short as the sides.

Kevin said, "It’s a big change, but you will be used to it within a day or two."

"It’s a lot shorter than I expected. A couple swipes with a comb in the morning and I will be good to go."

Kevin flicked one of my ears saying, "I did not realize you had ears under all that hair."

As I sheepishly touched the back of my head he said, "Your coworkers probably won’t recognize the sharp dressed guy that shows up with such a great haircut"

He wasn’t wrong. Monday morning came around and I decided to wear the charcoal gray dress pants with one of the white shirts. As I was putting on one of the new ties I bought, I noticed there was no longer any hair in the way when I flipped up the shirt collar. After getting dressed and styling what little hair I had, I noticed that I looked a bit older and more mature. I still had to get used to seeing my ears with no hair around them but overall I was happy with my new professional look.
My coworkers inquired about the change, and I just said a friend home from the Navy took me to his barbershop. The response was positive and I definitely felt more confident.
Soon after, I was put on a new project at work which was exciting, but it kept me very busy. I found myself working on it after hours and even on the weekends to some extent. Three months later, it was working and ready to show upper management. I was very pleased with what we were able to accomplish. A couple of days before the team was going to demo it for the customer, I realized I should probably get a haircut. Now that I wasn’t working so many extra hours, I found myself back in the barbershop one morning before work.

The barber, Ron greeted me with ,"Welcome back. It’s been a while."

I told him I just finished up a project at work and wanted to get cleaned up before the presentation. He combed it out saying it looks like I have been busy. When he finished, picked up a set of clippers, looked in the mirror and asked, "So, are we going back to regulation?"

I replied, "Yes, sir. Just like last time".


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