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Mr Lambs - Dad and I return by buzztob

Mr Lambs â€" Dad and I return

The rest of the week was spent revising, but my hair was a real distraction. I couldn’t stop from running my hand up the back of my head, the tingling sensation swept through my whole body. I also spent a lot of time in the bathroom with the hairdryer and brush, ensuring my hair stayed upright.

Returning to school the following week was a real eye-opener for me. I had expected a lot of snide comments and abuse, but everyone loved the new look. They all wanted to know where I had got it cut.

With father working full time, he rarely got home much before 6pm so I had to wait until the following Saturday before we headed to the shop. I explained to my father that I wanted to go shorter this time and he said it was entirely up to me. I asked him if he had decided what haircut he was going to get but he was non-committal, and said he would discuss it with the barber first.

On entering the shop, I was taken by surprise to see 2 barbers working, and quite a few people waiting. The barber I knew, looked up when we entered, said something to the customer in the chair and came over. He extended his hand and said, hello Billy, I assume that your misunderstanding haircut was ok with your parents and this, must be your father. My father and Mr Lamb shook hands. Mr Lamb then turned to the other barber and said let me introduce you to Mr Lamb senior. I must have looked confused as my Mr Lamb said his name was Jim and that his dad, the owner of the shop, only worked on Friday and Saturday to help keep the queues down. Mr Lamb senior said hello and continued with his client. Jim told us to have a seat and the wait shouldn’t be too long.

Watching both men cut hair, it amazed me that most people were receiving short haircuts and the styles varied from customer to customer. After a few clients had been attended to and left, Jim turned to me and said make yourself useful, grab the brush over there and clear up the hair on the floor. It will be one less job for us to do and we can get the haircuts done quicker. I readily jumped up, grabbed the brush and started to sweep all the hair on the floor. I looked across at father and he was just smiling.

It was not long before we would be next. It was Mr Lamb senior who finished first. He looked over and asked if he could take care of anyone. Jim turned to my father and said hop into dad’s chair, he will sort you out. I think Billy and I have some unfinished business to attend to. My father walked over and sat in the chair. Mr Lamb taped and caped him and asked what are we doing today? To my surprise, my father asked Mr Lamb if he thought the hairstyle he had, would suit him. Mr Lamb replied, sir, any man would look good supporting a short back and sides, it just depends on how short you want it. My hair is rather long as it’s two weeks since my last cut. I am hoping that my son will cut it today before we go home. My father told Mr Lamb he would leave it to his discretion regarding the length. With a quick comb through, the side parting sculpted in, Mr Lamb picked up the clippers and started to run them up the back of fathers’ head. I don’t know what happened next as I was called to Jim’s chair.

Sitting in the chair, Jim taped and caped me and looking in the mirror, asked what happened after the last visit? I explained and a smile spread across his face. He complimented me on how I had maintained the style and asked what he was doing today. I replied that I wanted a cut similar to the one he had given James last time I was in. With the smile still on his face, Jim picked up the large black clippers, switched them on, changed the top part and nudged my head downwards. I must admit, the sensation that went through my body as he ran the clippers from the neck to the top of my head was amazing. Again, and again, the clippers ran up my head and the sensation increased. The sides soon followed and for the first time I really looked as though I had no hair on the sides and I imagined, the back. Water and gel were applied to the top and, after a quick blow dry, my hair was standing to attention. Once again, with the large comb in his hand, he started to run the clippers over the top of the comb. My hair got shorter and shorter. After blending in the sides, Jim asked me if the top was short enough, or did I want it shorter. He said that currently my scalp was still covered but if he took it any shorter, my scalp would show through. Looking in the mirror, I said that I thought it would be ok as I didn’t want to break any school rules regarding haircuts. I did say to him, that once the school summer holidays started in a few weeks, I would be getting a really short top and the back and sides shorter. Jim just laughed and said he would look forward to the day. Cleaned up, dusted and the cape removed, I stood up from the chair and caught sight of my father sitting in the waiting area. His hair was really short. On the sides and back the hair had nearly all been removed with a crisp parting created. The hair on top was swept over and shone in the shop lights. A totally different look for him.

My father got up to offer money for the cuts, but Jim refused and said that he was honouring the commitment he made to me. Jim then asked my father if I could work in the shop on a Friday after school and all-day Saturday just keeping the shop clean and tidy as it got really busy on those two days. He mentioned that they were thinking of extending the opening hours on a Friday and even opening on Sundays, as like my father, most adults worked Monday to Friday and couldn’t make it to the shop before they closed. My father thought it would be a great opportunity for me to earn my own money and, as he now realised, his son had a real interest in haircuts and barbershops. When would you like him to start? Jim replied, how about now, I can see it being a busy afternoon. With a final handshake and my father thanking Mr Lamb for his haircut, he left me standing in the shop.

Straight off, I picked up the brush and started to clean the shop. It was really busy for the rest of the day, but Jim always spoke to me regarding the haircuts he carried out. He encouraged me to ask questions and even Mr Lamb would talk to me regarding the haircuts he dished out. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I found out where the kettle and fridge were located out back and virtually every hour on the hour, I would be making Mr Lamb a cup of tea.

It was a little strange later on that day, when a couple of lads from my school came into the shop. They were asking me about working here and the new short haircut I had. To be honest, I had completely forgotten about the haircut I had received earlier that day. In between me tidying the shop, we chatted. I asked them what haircut they were going to be asking for and, my own preference, was for short military haircuts. I said, I just thought it made someone look more grown-up and mature. They said they didn’t know what to ask for, but fancied a change, what would I recommend. A fatal choice of words. Looking at the two lads, I said the one with the black hair should go for a very short back and sides with just enough left on top to brush over and the other fair-haired guy, to get a buzzcut with the back and sides taken really short.

I left them to ponder over what I had said, as I went out back to make Mr Lamb another cup of tea. On returning, I noticed the dark-haired lad was sitting in Mr Lambs chair. He was in the process of being taped and caped. As I placed the cup on the shelf, I heard Mr Lamb ask the lad what he wanted. The lad said that he would like a really short back and sides with just enough left on top to brush over. He looked at me in the mirror and asked if he had said it right. Mr Lamb looked at me and laughing said, you now starting to advise customers on their hairstyle. I was rather embarrassed and replied that the lads were from my school and had asked me what I thought would suit them. Mr Lamb, still chuckling, picked up the big black clippers and said, same length as yours on the back and sides? I just nodded. Mr Lamb switched them on, changed the top and with comb in hand, nudged the lads head down and started to run the clippers to just over the bump on his head. This was repeated all around his head. Once satisfied, he dusted off the loose hair and changed the top of the clippers. Using his comb, he started to lift hair, pull it out a little, and ran the clippers over the comb.

It was then I heard the other lad getting into Jim’s chair and asking for a buzzcut. Jim asked him what length he wanted it and the lad said, ask him, looking at me. Jim looked at me and said are we doing it the same length as the hair on the top of your head? I nodded in agreement and added, with the back and sides taken down tight. Jim just looked at me and said you’re really getting into this aren’t you. I just smiled and turned back to see Mr Lamb removing the cape for the other lad. He looked at me and asked if it was up to my expectations. I couldn’t believe the end result. The bottom of the head was completely bare, with the hair gradually getting longer towards the top and with just sufficient hair left on top; it was gelled and brushed over. I said it looked tremendous. Mr Lamb replied that he had cut it in a similar style he would be getting once the shop was closed. The lad couldn’t stop rubbing his hand up the back of his head and said he really liked it.

I went to pick up the brush to clean around Mr Lamb’s chair but he told me to wait, as it was closing time and he had locked the front door. Once his son was finished cutting the other lad’s hair, he would be getting his hair cut, then we could do a thorough clean of the shop and leave it ready for Monday. The day had just flown by. Looking at Jim’s chair, the second lad was just receiving the finishing touches to his haircut. It also looked tremendous. He was also thrilled over his haircut and both said they would be back on a regular basis. The lads left the shop, leaving just the three of us.

Jim asked me if I had enjoyed working there. I, with a big smile on my face, said it was fantastic and I couldn’t believe I would be coming every week. Jim informed me that as well as being paid for working in the shop, I would be entitled to perks of the trade; for me that would be free haircuts.

Before I could start sweeping the floor, Mr Lamb climbed into Jim’s chair and said, you know what to do. But, before Jim had secured the cape, Mr Lamb said, you know what, how about our new employee try his hand at cutting hair. At first it didn’t dawn on me what had just been said, but with a pat on the back from Jim, he said, he’s all yours. What! I don’t know how to cut hair. Mr Lamb smiled and said we all have to start somewhere and Jim will tell you what to do.

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