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Headshave lovers by Snagg
A few months have passed since my coming out as a headshave fetishist. Since then, I shave my head every day or have one of my bald buddies shave it for me.
I also have a sportswear fetish. I now only wear sports clothes and have thrown my other clothes into the used clothing container. It's easy for me to be in sportswear all the time. I'm studying sports science and have also started a side job as a trainer at a gym.
In the gym, I mainly work with people who have just started working out or who haven't done any exercise for a long time. But I also come into contact with a lot of well-conditioned men, many of them shaved bald. And most customers who are not shaved bald prefer at least short military cuts. As for my colleagues, they are all male and muscular. Half of them have shaved heads, the other half have ultra-short hair.
It's rare that I see a guy with longer hair walk through the door. But yesterday it happened. I gave a new client a tour of the gym. Mike wasn't a beginner. He was well trained. But what didn't suit his athletic body at all was his long hair. The long brown hair reached below the shoulder blades. It looked like a cheap wig and ruined his appearance.
At the end of the tour he said that sometimes he has the impression that his muscles are not well proportioned.
"Don't worry, Mike! Your muscles are very well proportioned."
"Do you think?"
"Absolutely! But honestly, there's one thing that makes you look disproportionate."
"Get a haircut, dude! Get a real men's haircut and all your proportions will be in the right place."
"I love my long hair."
"Then keep your long hair. But that means your muscles will never really show off."
"Which haircut would you recommend?"
"Shave everything off!"
"That's drastic."
"You asked a shorn fellow for a recommendation. What kind of answer did you expect?"
"Maybe I could make a less extrem change."
"Well, at the end of the day, the question is: What do you love more? Your hair or your muscles?"
While Mike was working out, I asked Anton, one of my bald colleagues: "Do we have any head-shaving equipment at the gym: clippers, razor, foam?"
"Sure!" he replied. "Some of our crew cut colleagues sometimes cut each other's hair after work. Why do you ask?"
"The muscle princess over there is considering a serious trim."
A few minutes later my crew cut colleague Rafael brought me clippers, razor and foam. "You really want to shave that lady bald?" he asked.
"She's such a pussy with her hair. She deserves to have her head stripped naked."
As Rafael walked away, I watched him go. He had a high skin fade with a short buzz on top. Objectively speaking, an excellent haircut for a muscular guy. But in my opinion, Rafael would look even better without hair. If one day he decides to shave his entire head, I want to go on a date with him immediately.
"I've been thinking about it," someone next to me suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts.
It was Mike standing next to me.
"I think you're right," he continued. "I'm going to get my head shaved. Do you know a barber around here?"
"I can shave you right here if you want," I said.
3 minutes later, Mike was sitting on a chair in the locker room. I started the clippers and Rafael started filming the transformation with Mike's phone.
"In a few moments your wig will be history," I said.
I placed the clippers on Mike's forehead and ran it over his head. Long hair fell mercilessly to the ground.
"That was the first strip," I said. "Now there is no going back, princess."
And immediately I shaved another strip, and another. Soon, Mike had only minuscule stubble on top of his head.
"Look, there seems to be a real man hiding under that long hair!"
"You enjoy making fun of me, don't you?"
"I promise you, I'll stop as soon as there's no hair left on your head."
"Then finally shave off the rest."
"Alright! Now the sides!" I said, putting the clippers to his left ear.
After freeing the sides, I worked on the back, and then the first phase was completed.
"Now you look like you want to join the army."
Mike ran his hands over his head. "That's damn short!"
"And it's getting even shorter!"
Rafael handed me the foam and I spread some of it on Mike's head. "When I'm done with you, nothing will distract from your marvelous muscles."
I gave Mike a wet shave and his head became smooth like a baby's bottom.
Mike stood up and looked in the mirror. "Thanks a lot, dude!" he said. "It's an unusual sight, but it was the right decision. Now the proportions are right."
As Mike went to the shower, Rafael whispered in my ear: "It was hot to see you shave him bald."
"You could be next."
"But I would like to be shaved in a more intimate setting."
"When do you finish work?"
"At 6 p.m."
"Me too."
After work, we went to my place and bought something for dinner on the way.
"I'd love to shave you right now," I said, "but I'm also pretty hungry."
"Then let's eat first!"
A quarter of an hour later, Rafael was sitting on the edge of the bathtub. He'd taken off his tank top, and I had a clear view of his pecs.
"I don't have as much to shave off as the other guy," he said.
"No problem! I love shaving other men's heads, no matter how long or short their hair is."
I turned on the clippers.
"Have you ever had your head completely shaved?"
"No, but the difference between my zero fade buzz cut and being completely shaved is probably not that big."
I started shaving off his buzz cut, which was about a centimeter long.
"Have you ever fantasized about having your head shaved?"
"I guess everyone who has very short hair fantasizes about shaving off the rest of the hair."
I turned off the clippers. Rafael's buzz cut was on the floor. Now I lathered him with shaving foam.
"In the end, two-thirds of my head was already shaved."
"In a few minutes, three thirds will be shaved."
I wet-shaved his head not once, but twice. "I want your head to be smoother than smooth."
Afterward, I also razored my head to remove the tiny stubble that had grown during the day.
And then we stood next to each other and looked at ourselves in the mirror. Rafael rubbed his head first, then mine. Then we turned to each other and rubbed each other's heads.
"It's so hot to have a clean-shaven head and to have another skinhead standing in front of me," Rafael said.
He took off my tank top and kissed me. "Erik, do you by any chance have a bedroom somewhere in your apartment?" he then asked.
"Sure," I replied. "Let's go!"
Cut. It's the next morning. I'm at university and can't concentrate on the lecture. I think about Rafael all the time. I think about rubbing his shaved head. I think about how exciting it was to feel his muscles on my body.
I text him: "It was great that you stayed overnight. And I'm glad you let me shave your head again before you left."
"Well, I get turned on by having my head shaved by a hot bald muscle dude like you."
"It sounds like you want to keep your head shaved?"
"Feel free to shave me again tonight. Do you wanna come to my place?"
"Can't wait!"
"If you're working out today, could you please skip the shower afterward? I want you to stink of sweat."
I leave the lecture hall. It's impossible to study anything today. Instead, I go for a walk. I let the sun shine on my bare head, hum to myself and think of Rafael.