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Third Headshave Experience in Barbershop by Rohan

This story is about my third unexpected headshave that occurred in May 2024 in Pune . I had shaved my head two years ago and there was no immediate plan to shave my head, the third headshave was completely unplanned.

I was just casually walking in my neighbourhood to get some supplies, suddenly I encountered a barbershop. It's door was open and through the glass window I saw something interesting that urged me to shave my head again.

In the first chair a man was sitting with his head completely covered with shaving cream, I had my last haircut just a week ago and my hair had not grown back significantly for another haircut still out of curiosity I ended up entering the barber shop. I sat on an empty bench looking at the man who was about to get headshaved, the shop also had two more chairs occupied by customers getting haircuts.
In the headshaves I had before shaving cream was never used on my head. My head was shaved directly with a straight razor hence I viewed this moment as fate and decided that I should experience this type of headshave.

Suddenly barber appeared and he prepared the straight razor and started shaving the man. The barber was pretty old and experienced, he looked like he was in his 50s. The barber was shaving his head in the opposite direction from bottom to top. After about 5 minutes the shaving part was over, he cleaned the man's head and applied the aftershave. The man got up and left the barbershop.

Barber cleaned the chair and asked me to sit on the chair. As I moved towards the chair my heartbeat started to rise, this time I had no prior plans for shaving my head hence I got so nervous about the aftermath of shaving my head. After sitting on the chair the old barber asked me about how I wanted my haircut. I took a deep breath and told him that I wanted a headshave. After listening to my choice he put the cape on me and asked if I wanted a short haircut or complete headshave. I replied that I wanted a complete headshave. Fortunately he didn't ask any questions further.

Actual shaving process -

He started spraying water on my head and then massaged my head till my head was completely nice and wet. He then took the straight razor and inserted a new blade in it. He then started shaving my head from my right side. The previous headshaves I had always started from the back of my head so this was something new for me.
After shaving the right side of my head he started shaving the back of my head. This barbershop had dual mirrors one at the front and one at the back so the headshave process on the back was completely visible to me through the mirror. Once the back was finished he started shaving the front. I was almost bald now. In the mirror I could see my front hair was gone completely and only the left side remained. In a few minutes the left side was also shaved, I felt so relaxed once I was completely shaved.

As I saw my bald head in the mirror I noticed that the barber hadn't used the shaving cream like he used on the previous customer, I wasn't sure about asking him. The barber then asked me if I wanted to shave my beard too, I replied yes.

Barber then used the brush to clean my head then he applied shaving cream to my head and went away to fetch water and a shaving kit. I looked at the outside from the window and the people passing by were looking at my freshly shaved head curiously.

The barber came back with a small bowl of water and a shaving brush. He dipped the shaving brush in the water and then started creating a foam on my head. After 2 minutes my whole head was completely covered with shaving cream just like the previous customer.

Barber started shaving my head from the back in the reverse direction bottom to top. After shaving the back, he switched to the right side. First, he removed my sideburn then he shaved the right side in the opposite direction. He did the same thing on the front shaving in the opposite direction. Finally, he shaved my left sideburn and the left side of my head.
He wiped off the remaining shaving cream with tissue paper and then he pulled up the headrest of the chair and asked me to rest my head on it as he was about to start shaving my beard.

As I rested my head on the headrest I got a slightly tickly feeling as my head was shaved very closely and the headrest was made of leather. The barber started applying shaving cream to my beard and asked whether I wanted to remove the mustache too I replied yes. He started shaving my beard and in 5 minutes he was done.

After my beard was shaved I looked in the mirror and I was completely clean my head was shining and also with no beard, it looked like a cue ball. Barber then applied an aftershave lotion to my bald head and face which was slightly painful.

Barber then asked me if I wanted a head massage, I never had a head massage on a bald head before so out of curiosity I said yes.
He poured coconut oil on my freshly shaved head and massaged it first by hand and then by massage machine. Once he was done he wiped off the oil with tissue paper and then he uncaped me. I paid the barber and left the barbershop after that.

Although he wiped oil from my head, a good amount of oil was still left on my head. My head was literally shining in the sunlight as it was the peak of summer season in india. As this headshave was unplanned I did not have a cap or scarf to cover my head. I walked with my shiny shaved head to the grocery store for supplies and went back home. A few people stared at me but fortunately no one asked any questions perhaps because shaved heads in summer are not uncommon.

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