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Sam's dream encounter part 1 by Shorn Sam

Sam had always been fascinated by guys with short haircuts and found bald men especially hot. He always imagined what it would be like to be shorn short but always was afraid to follow through with his desire. Then one day this all changed.

He woke up and was feeling stressed and decided a good hard workout will ease his stress. He enjoyed working out at the gym and had started to make good progress on having a fit toned body. As Sam entered the weights area he saw a new guy he hadn’t seen before. Sam thought he must be new and have joined recently. Sam was instantly fixated and turned on by the man’s bald head. It was so shiny and smooth and looked amazing with his muscular body. Sam decided he should find an excuse to go over and talk to him.

Sam went over and asked the guy if he could spot him during his chest workout. He introduced himself and said, "Hi, I’m Sam, I’ve not seen you before, are you new at this gym?"
The man replied "Yes, I’ve just joined today, I'm Adam. I’ve moved new into the area as I’ve opened a new barbershop" Hearing this instantly made Sam horny. Here was a barber with a shaved head and a sexy body and Sam knew he needed to keep the conversation going.

Sam casually asked, "How do you get your head so shiny, it looks great!"
Adam replied "I have a whole shaving ritual each morning, I shave it twice once with the grain and once against" Here have a feel. Sam touched Adam’s bald head and started feeling how smooth it truly was. The smoothness of Adam’s shaved head aroused Sam and started making his cock hard. "Wow, that’s so smooth, I can’t even feel any stubble" Sam had to resist the urge to continue rubbing Adam's head, he was so horny right now.

Adam noticed Sam’s bulge in his shorts and could see how turned on he was getting. Adam asked " You should try shaving your head, it’ll look great on you, plus it’ll be easier for you to workout in the gym" Sam replied, "I’m not sure I’ll look good, I’ve never gone that short before, I usually get a mid skin fade" Adam replied " Pop by my new barbershop, I can give you a skin fade or maybe something new…?"
Sam was so excited and horny at how the man of his dreams has literally just walked into his life. He said " Sure, I’ll come by later today, I’m due for a haircut, it’s getting really hot lately.


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