4661 Stories - Awaiting Approval:Stories 1; Comments 1.
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Head Shave Fantasy by Barbie Girl
Trisha slipped on her new short leather skirt and checked her make up in the mirror. All of the sudden she felt stunning and powerful. Today was the day she’d been waiting for. She could feel goose bumps lining her arms. She wasn’t sure why she was so excited, but her insides were pounding with adrenaline. Trisha knelt next to the bed and pulled out a trunk. She quickly opened it revealing a set of Oster clippers, a cape, a barber’s jacket and other barbering tools. She almost let out a giddy squeal of excitement. She quickly closed the lid and placed the box on top of her bed.
Trisha casually walked out her bedroom door through the living room. She could barely contain herself. He husband, David sat 10 feet away reading a book on the couch. The sight of him sitting there clueless made Trisha ecstatic. She grabbed a chair from the kitchen and started to bring it back to their bedroom.
“What are you doing?” David asked, barely looking up from his book.
“Just some rearranging…” Trisha replied quickly. She wasn’t quite ready to reveal her plan just yet, “How is your book?”
“It’s great, I have about five chapters left.”
“I might join you in a bit,” she lied, walking back to the bedroom with the chair in tow.
Once in the bedroom Trisha removed her shirt and put on the barbering smock, leaving it open to reveal her black, lacy bra. New black heels also graced her feet. She glanced at herself in the mirror once more. She knew that she looked incredibly sexy. She was ready.
“Hey David!” Trisha called out to the living room, her voice slightly shaky.
“Yeah, babe?”
“Could you come here for a second?” Trisha could feel her heart pounding.
“I’m almost finished honey, can I have a few more minutes?”
“Please babe, I need you!”
She heard David close his book and let out a reluctant sigh. He walked back to the bedroom and looked first at Trisha, then at the chair and clippers on the bed. His eyes grew wide.
“You’re not going to chicken out on me are you?” Trisha asked. She could start to feel herself getting turned on.
“Excellent,” Trisha replied.
“Take your shirt off,” she said with a sly smile.
The command sparked David to quickly pull off his shirt revealing a taught stomach and muscular arms.
“This is really it? What have I gotten myself into?”
“You knew it was coming sooner or later!” Trisha teased.
She walked over to him and gave him a slow and passionate kiss on the lips. She looked into his endless eyes and pulled his body closer to hers. She then led him over to the chair.
“Have a seat, handsome,” she crooned, running her fingers through his slightly long, mousy, blonde hair.
“I’m not going to be able to watch?” he asked, kneading his hands together.
“I don’t want you to see until later…” Trisha replied as she started to rub his shoulders, neck and head giving him small pecks as she worked her way over his body.
“…I want to see it first.”
He turned back around towards her with a smirk on his face.
“I’m really going to let you do this, aren’t I?”
“I’m not letting you back out now,” she said, a smile forming on her lips. She picked up the clippers and slowly unwound the cord, plugging it into the wall outlet. David watched her as she flipped on the switch, sending a shrill, mechanical sound through the air.
“No…guard…you sure?” she whispered into his ear.
He slowly nodded.
“It’s all going to be gone…”
A noticeable chill ran down his spine.
Trisha switched off the clippers and the room went silent.
“Quit teasing me!” David begged, “You have to do it quickly or I am going to chicken out!”
Trisha walked to the front of the chair and sat on David’s lap. She swung one leg over until she was straddling him. She placed the left hand on his neck and pulled his lips towards hers, kissing him hard. She almost dropped the clippers but regained her composure. She pulled away from him and looked into his green eyes once more.
“Nervous now?”
He shook his head no and leaned in, ready to kiss her again.
“Ah, ah, ah,” she said placing her finger to his lips. He kissed it gently. Trisha turned on the clippers once more, they roared to life.
“Do it,” he urged, giving her the go ahead.
She placed them at his forehead and suddenly became nervous, pulling them away.
“You’re 100 percent?”
“Run your hands through it one last time.”
He complied. Trisha bit her lip watching him.
“I’m ready if you are…” he said looking at her intently.
“Right down the middle.”
She placed the clippers at his hairline once again and slowly slid them back. The clippers ate through his hair with ease. The clump fell to the ground in a tumble. Trisha felt the bare strip on his head. She giggled. David smiled.
“Will you do something for me?” he asked.
Turn those off for a second. She did. He reached for the jacket and pulled it off. He quickly unhooked her bra and helped her remove it.
Trisha giggled as he reached for her breasts.
Pressed up against him, she turned on the clippers once more and continued onto the second strip of hair, making sure to take her time with each pass of the blades. The smile on her face grew wider as more and more hair piled to the floor. David couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.
In no time at all David’s head was completely stubble. Trisha ran her hands over the sandpapery surface. Her body was on fire.
“I need to kiss you right now,” she said a little too loudly. David submitted immediately; drenching her in the best kisses she’d ever received.
“Can we utilize the bed yet?” David asked between fierce kisses.
“No! Not yet!” Trisha said. She pulled away.
“Where’s your shaving cream?”
“In the cupboard.”
“Will you let me shave it all the way?”
Trisha struck a pose.
David gave her the once over.
“Only because you’re incredibly sexy.”
Trisha laughed.
“I love you.”
She quickly waltzed to the bathroom and shuffled through the cupboard until she found his shaving cream and razor. She gave them to David and then went to the kitchen to fill up a bowl of warm water and grab a towel. When she reached the doorway she couldn’t help but stare. She was overwhelmed by how attracted she was to her husband. She liked the way that he looked with hair but this was different. He had trusted her and let her fantasy become reality. She had pictured him without hair for so long and now, there he was, completely shorn and
“…so hot,” Trisha said out loud.
“Am I?” David asked, striking his own pose.
“Incredibly so!” she replied walking over to him and setting the bowl on the nightstand.
She sat in his lap once more and made out with him. Their tongues intertwined and Trisha couldn’t have been more pleased. David paused.
“Will this be the greatest sex of your life?”
Trisha didn’t reply but pushed her body closer to David’s, intoxicated by not only his new haircut, but also the scent of his cologne.
“I love you,” he whispered, tickling her ear.
“I definitely love you.”
“So…can we take this to the bed now?”
“Almost.” Trisha laughed.
She started to create lather in her hands. She spread the thick foam to cover his head. She washed them off in the bowl and then picked up the razor. Slowly she dragged it across his head over and over again, checking each time for missed spots. After twenty minutes David’s head was a gleaming beacon.
“Feel it,” she urged.
He gingerly reached for his head.
Trisha touched it, too.
“Still want to finish that book?”
“What book?”
Trisha and David both laughed.
“Mmmm…I think it’s time for a shower.”
“Race you.”
They quickly stripped down. David had his hand on the nozzle right as Trisha did. The hopped in, letting the water rain down over them.
“This feels crazy…but a good crazy.”
“I’m glad you think so,” Trisha replied, “Kiss me?”
David needed no further instruction. Soon their bodies were in a frenzy. Somewhere between 15 and 30 seconds later their soaking wet forms made it to the bed. And the rest is history.