Inspiration by CleanCutTieGuy I like that the customer isn't a pussy about letting the barber take the zero fade a lot higher. No guy should be afraid of having his hair cut too short. A guy should be more afraid of his hair not being cut short enough. by Snagg on 16 Mar 2025
Oklahoma by M DeMarlo I expected the uncle to declare the haircut too shaggy at the start of the visit not near the end by .. on 15 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Part 1 - a Misunderstanding by buzztob Speaking personally, my own stories frequently feature 14 or 15 year old boys (ie minors). This is because the conflict between my own increasing (and sexually linked) interest in short haircuts, and my desire to have the usual seventies appearance, was at its most acute at that age. So I am writing about my own experience. I purposely avoid any explicit sex, leaving that to the reader to imagine for themselves - I think things are more powerful that way. by Sean Barnet on 15 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Part 1 - a Misunderstanding by buzztob I understand the concern about stories featuring underage characters, but I believe the matter of tone of the narrator and whether there are sexual aspects to the story with underage characters is the real criteria for alarm or not. I do not read sexualization or any similar intent in this story neither explicitly or implicitly. by Anon on 15 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Part 1 - a Misunderstanding by buzztob This site is for haircut stories. People of any age can get haircuts and it can be described in a story. There are stories that are sexual related, and I, for example, am not interested in those and don't read it, so it's not acceptable that some people who have those thoughts in their minds do not allow us, comon readres, to read stroies about hairucts for people of any age. by Anon on 15 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Part 1 - a Misunderstanding by buzztob James, as Freud probably didn't say, "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." People have all kinds of kinks. Should all advertising for footwear be banned? by Deke Cutter on 15 Mar 2025
La barbería de Clemente 11 by BARBERO MILITAR El autor, como nos tiene ya acostumbrados, incluye historias paralelas sobre los cortes de pelo. Constantemente los personajes viajan al pasado y recuerdan sus vivencias en este sentido. Este relato está tan bien escrito que el lector no tiene que hacer ningún esfuerzo para meterse en situación e imaginarse como sucedieron los acontecimientos. Por ejemplo los clásicos ultramarinos regentados por caballeros han desaparecido, siendo sustituidos por los impersonales supermercados. Los empleados de los centros comerciales no tienen tiempo para rememorar viejas batallas de la mili. by Ley&Orden on 14 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Part 1 - a Misunderstanding by buzztob No im with DZB on this one, its still posted to a fetish site that people use to pleasure themselves which makes it inherently sexual. Minors have no place in these stories and it’s weird that people bend so far to try and justify stories about minors on this site. by James on 14 Mar 2025