Just Another School Part II by Just_Me @Zero, thanks for the positive comments. I’ve really come to rely on your support for my writing, and am thrilled that you liked the main character.
As far as saying a seventeen-year-old is a child, I have to push back a little. The main point of reference I have for a seventeen-year-old is myself. At that age, I had been working full-time for four years (yes, I started working when I was thirteen), while going to school, and graduating with honors. I had paid off my truck, was paying on a second vehicle, and had the money saved for my first apartment, as well as having bought everything I needed to furnish the apartment, down to the last dish towel and soap dish.
The other point of reference I have for teens is my own children. At that age, they were working part-time, to pay for their gas and insurance on their cars. I had bought them cars, with the understanding they would be responsible for that. I never had one of my children miss an insurance payment, or ask me for gas money…even though they knew I would help them out if they needed it.
I knew better than to act like Dumbo did in this story. As I said, I think the abuse that happened in the story is that his father let him act this way, without teaching him right from wrong.
I also don’t think there’s something magical about turning eighteen that makes a person an adult…or twenty-one…or hell, even sixty. I know some people my age who are still stuck at the age of fifteen. HA
Having said all of that, I’m more than willing to agree to disagree. You have the right to your opinion, and I respect that, and I appreciate the fact that you were willing to voice your thoughts. Please, always feel free to tell me the bad about my writing as well as the good. by Just _Me on 20 Mar 2025
Just Another School Part II by Just_Me Just_Me. Man, as much as I respect and esteem you as a fellow writer, I have to disagree here. I understand the concept and idea you went for. But I do think a seventeen years old is a child still, and I believe stories about institutions can not escape being social commentary in one way or another, author intent aside. I do as you know support you writing beyond your borders (that is creative growth and challenge!). And I think this is an interesting main character, I love characters with agency, that push back (and gets a rewarding ending!). The side characters work too! So, best, as always, by Zero on 20 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Dad and I return by buzztob I would have liked to go to work at a barber shop at the school summer parties when I was 15/16, instead of going to a petrol station. I would have cultivated a passion for cutting men's hair. The stories are beautiful and I would like to read Jim's sensations when cutting Mr. Lamb's hair. by Gianni Orchi (Fighair) on 20 Mar 2025
The Law is the Law by justin Why are AI stories allowed here? by goblin on 20 Mar 2025
Shorn by a shorn guy by Snagg can someone in idaho come and give me a upl headshave? I have wanted onenf by Anon on 20 Mar 2025
The Darkest Day by Just_Me @JB...your kind words are touching. Saying, "Thank you" seems so inadequate. I really appreciate you taking time to comment. I tried to write the story where Walter was able to reach Curtis, but the story just didn't work that way...just like life often doesn't work that way.
If there's a moral to this story, I would like to think that it's simply we can make a difference in people's lives, in random, short-lived interactions. Walter may not have saved Curtis' life, but he did have an impact on Curtis, and made Curtis' darkest day a little better. If each of us could do that, the world would be a better place. You taking the time to make a comment made my day a lot brighter, and I'm grateful for your kindness.
@Zero,as usual, your insight is amazing, and you often see things I don't when I'm writing. I look forward to your comments, because I always learn something. I'm jealous of your ability to analyze the stories, and come up with new perspectives.
In addition, you're right. Life is the dark and the light, and they somehow get strangely intertwined. This was a hard story to write, but overall, I am content with how it turned out. by Just_Me on 20 Mar 2025
The Darkest Day by Just_Me Wow, Just_Me. I respect a writer who does not shy away from difficult and darker subjects because that is life too. Life is the dark and the light. I can tell how much heart you put into this and I highly respect you venturing outside your comfort zone. The god of writing is a stern one, who I understand your author's note perfectly. Best, by Zero on 19 Mar 2025
The Darkest Day by Just_Me This is, by definition, a haircut story. And flattops are my favorite haircut to read (and write) about. But this is, from beginning to end, a human interest story; and an excellent one! Pure, raw emotions; both good and bad. It's good that you left your words 'as is'; any refining would have weakened them. I, and I'm sure most of the folks reading this story, along with barber Walter, can't help but think that we would have, could have, found a way to make Curtis see a different path than the one he chose. When one is deep in depression, and suicidal, they can't even imagine there being an end to the tunnel (depression), much less any light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks so much for this story, Just_Me. by JB on 19 Mar 2025