INCORPORACIÓN A FILAS 2 by BARBERO MILITAR No se puede describir mejor el proceso de incorporación a filas. Se nota que el relato está basado en hechos reales aunque seguramente el autor se habrá tomado algunas licencias literarias. Lo de la revisión anal para evitar que se introdujeran drogas en el acuartelamiento es especialmente truculento y humillante. Es una forma de demostrar quien manda allí; tolerancia cero con el tráfico de estupefacientes. Se nos proporciona todo tipo de detalles y nos hacemos perfectamente una idea de cómo era la experiencia del servicio militar a finales de los ochenta. by Ley&Orden on 27 Mar 2025
The Darkest Day by Just_Me This story is so tragic. I wish that young people in crisis knew that there are many religious and secular communities that will offer them love and support if they are victims of abuse of any kind. Suicide is never the answer, especially for young folks. This is a great story. by Deke Cutter on 27 Mar 2025
El aristócrata sevillano (completo) by BARBERO MILITAR Se nota que Barbero Militar tiene una gran cultura general. Describe a la perfección la realidad de un aristócrata español, acostumbrado a que le sirvan y no a servir. Tiene la mala suerte de encontrarse con una serie de caballeros militares que no están dispuestos a soportar su altanería. Le ataron al sillón del barbero para prácticamente afeitarle la cabeza. Para contemplar la largura que deja la cuchilla Oster 00000 hay que utilizar el microscopio. El protagonista del relato se derrumbó moralmente. Jamás pensó en sufrir una humillación de este tipo. Al parecer se refugió en la religión para superar aquel traumático rapado. by Ley&Orden on 27 Mar 2025
A Bandmate Caves by Armando94 Great flow, great dialogue. I enjoyed the story. by Deke Cutter on 26 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Part 1 - a Misunderstanding by buzztob This is why I don't write or post my stories anymore. They featured me as a young kid and teen growing up in the 70's, and having to wear "military cuts." I enjoy reading all stories no matter the age of the characters. It's cathartic for me, but I understand everyone's point. Lets hope we can continue to have a site where we can share our common interests. by Archon2 on 26 Mar 2025
Is It That Time? by Just_Me @Barbershop Thill, thanks for your kind words, and input. I actually toyed with the idea of leaving a DA on the character, but somehow, it didn't feel right. Somewhere in my series "Fantasy or Reality" I did have a character get a flattop with DA.
@Pauldy, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment. I'm working on another "gay" story, but having a hard time keeping it "PG". It's very much rated "R", and I'm trying to clean it up enough to post it on here. by Just_Me on 25 Mar 2025
Teenage boy's haircut fantasy by Scott A well written story I grew up in the 1960's and 1970's so I can relate to this story, as a boy growing up in that time I was taken every 2 weeks to the barber's getting a severe short back and sides (that we called shaved back and no side's) clipper shave 2/3 fingers above the ears and 3/4 fingers at the back I also have a haircut fatish because I always love to look up to see how short he cuts the other boys hair one day when I was about 13 or 14 I came in to have my haircut there were a few people before me, I went to sit down and waited my turn next to me sat a boy and his father who was before me, after the father had his hair cut he told the boy to go sit in the chair the father fist spoke to the barber, I thought he must have done something wrong, as the father told the barber that he has been not doing as he was told, and that he teased and bully a other kid at school who had a short back and sides haircut, all of us sitting in the barbershop heard what he was saying to the barber's he did what he did and now he will not forget what happens when you bullying other kids, he wants him to shave his sides and back to the top of his sides and back, and then to thin his hair on top so severe that it looks like he is bold... I yust couldn't stop looking I felt sorry for the poor kid he was about my age, I can think that he was the joke of the school the next few days, after that haircut and his dad told the barber that he must please cut his son hair like that for the rest of the year I secretly wish it was me and wish I could rub his clipper shave side's and back that must have felt amazing...O'HAAAAAA by Skin fade on 25 Mar 2025
Cruising toward a makeover by Manny I enjoy all the story's by Manny,i like his story line and tipe of haircut's and the way he write about the haircut itself with details and all. I had my fair shear off such cut's including buzz'cuts butch'cuts baldy cut's and my total favorite headshave's,and now I am into all kinds of fade's the high and tight razor shaved skin fade is my most favorite one's now. I love'd the time's I got them, i agree with to keep them coming please!!! Thanks for all the great story's with lot's off details by Skin fade on 25 Mar 2025
Mr Lambs - Dad and I return by buzztob Nice story.
I too had a saturday job in a barbershop when i was still at school, the barber was called mr Short beleive it or not, his wife ran a cafe next door to his barbershop with a door that led from one to the other.
I would usher boys from the cafe into the barbershop for their haircut when it was their turn while
Their mums or dads finished their coffee etc, my hair was always cut very short and smart, on seeing me they would quite often ask for their sons hair to be cut the same as mine was, much to their sons dissaproval as long hair was very much the fashion in the uk, circa 1976.
I always enjoyed watching mr Short in action.