Death Sentence Part 9 by Sockboy LOVE THIS STORY I would love to randomly meet up with you by chance, at a bar or something, while I'm inebrieated. The conversation would somehow lead us to realize we both get excited about balding. A bit into the
conversation, you would realize I'm sockboy, and I would realize your my nemesis. Of course after chatting we would have an understanding that the permanent aspect of my stories is too far for real life, but since it's just fiction to edge to, may as well write it to the extreme limits of my fetish.
I would tell you about how your comments excite me so much cause you take the time to talk about my white socks, which i love and appreciate cause it's not your thing but you try to excite me.
You ask me to come home with you, cause you wanna see my awesome socks to see what all the fuss is about. You sit me in a chair and we look on at the mirror and my fat white cotton soles. After complimenting my socks, saying how you can see why I love them so much, you zip tie me to the chair.
I want to know exactly what you would do to me restrained without being able to escape, knowing there would be no negative repercussions to you whatsoever. Please tell me and mention my white socks as much as possible please! by Sockboy on 09 Mar 2025
Take Plenty Off by SteDJ Great story, realistic and well described.
I think we have a great deal in common.
I too hated my early short back and sides haircuts ordered by my Dad as a kid.
By the age of 12 circa 1975 like you i sported a center parting, back hanging below my collar as was the fashion then but again like you, i too realized i had quite a fascination developing about haircuts .
On two seperate occasions while waiting for my usual trim at my barbershop (Gents hairdressers) i had seen two boys get very short haircuts, one was a crew cut and one, a very severe, short back and sides.
I found myself watching, almost mesmerised, not really understanding why i enjoyed it so much, but i knew i had to pluck up the courage to put my self in that very same situation.
I have wrote a few stories under the name, my barbershop memmories.
They share quite a few similarities i think
by Gk on 09 Mar 2025
My Return To An Old Fashioned Barbers by Snipped Sam Yes I agree, I was a young boy in the 1960's and 1970's so a short back and sides was the haircut chosen for me, I secretly loved it although at time's I wanted a square cut, every time I had my hair I could not wait to feel the clipper shave side's and back the shorter it was the nicer it felt,now being in my 60's I have my haircut in a short skin fade of which the razor shave part off the haircut is the best part, I wish it will stay smooth for a couple off day's but buy the next day that smooth feeling was not there,this story is well written and you yust can't stop reading it to the end, looking forward to more stories by you by Skin fade on 09 Mar 2025
Captain Chrome Dome by BlueCollarBaldy Thank you for such kind comments everyone!
@K,glad you enjoyed the story! It's always a pleasure to meet a lady who has an appreciation for bald men.
@Anon, I'm always a sucker for a feel-good story. :)
@ckbald, thank you! There will be more to come from time to time. ;)
@Pauldy, man, thank you for sharing your experience! I know what you mean about headshaving feeling so incredible. For me, after my first shave (by choice) at 19, I knew baldness would be a forever thing. It's liberating, isn't it? by BlueCollarBaldy on 09 Mar 2025
Captain Chrome Dome by BlueCollarBaldy Although I don’t have Jack’s hot physique, the rest I can relate to. Been shaving the head smooth since 1999. Had a few trial runs before that. Back then, a smooth shaved head was a rarity on white guys. But the summer of 99 I had lost enough hair that a horseshoe flattop didn’t even work. I shaved my head smooth and vowed I would be a baldy for life. I love everything about being bald. The feel of having my head shaved is incredible. I’ve had many people tell me I’m a natural for being bald. My only regret, should have pushed the fear aside and done it years earlier. Bria gay man, seeing someone like Jack sends me into orbit. Just wishing I could rub another man’s bald head.
GREAT STORY! by Pauldy on 08 Mar 2025
Captain Chrome Dome by BlueCollarBaldy Awesome, well-written, detailed story BlueCollarBaldy. I hope we get to read more from you. by ckbald on 08 Mar 2025
Soldier or psychologist, what's best: 5 by thadeusz I like this story !
It is much better than other military type stories by thadeusz by Perry on 08 Mar 2025
Captain Chrome Dome by BlueCollarBaldy Big manly and wholesome, just how I love my baldies by Anon on 08 Mar 2025
Father's Day by Dad/Son Excellent, so well written. by Fred on 08 Mar 2025